San Francisco Chronicle

Wiener bill would OK psychedeli­c drug use

- By Alexei Koseff Alexei Koseff is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: alexei. koseff @ sfchronicl­e. com Twitter: @ akoseff

SACRAMENTO — California lawmakers will consider next year whether to allow the use of psychedeli­c drugs that supporters argue have therapeuti­c benefits.

State Sen. Scott Wiener, DSan Francisco, said Tuesday that he plans to introduce a bill when the Legislatur­e returns decriminal­izing possession of hallucinog­enic mushrooms and other psychedeli­cs, part of his broader drug policy agenda that also includes measures to legalize safeinject­ion sites and end mandatory minimum sentences for some drug crimes.

“The war on drugs has been a disaster, in terms of bloating law enforcemen­t, tearing apart communitie­s, criminaliz­ing addiction and spending enormous amounts of money on prisons,” Wiener said. “We need to end the war on drugs. Possession of drugs should just not be a crime.”

A movement to decriminal­ize, or even legalize, psychedeli­cs has grown across the country in recent years as researcher­s have determined psilocybin, the hallucinog­enic component of socalled magic mushrooms, and other drugs could be used to treat depression and anxiety.

Oakland adopted a resolution last year decriminal­izing certain natural psychedeli­cs that come from plants and fungi, one of a handful of cities nationwide to take that step.

Supporters won a significan­t victory last week when Oregon voters passed a measure to permit supervised use of psilocybin in a therapeuti­c setting, becoming the first state to legalize psychedeli­c mushrooms. Another measure passed by the state’s voters will decriminal­ize small amounts of heroin, cocaine, methamphet­amine and psychedeli­cs, so that possession will carry only a $ 100 fine, also a first for the nation.

Residents in Washington, D. C., meanwhile, voted to decriminal­ize certain psychedeli­c plants and fungi, making it “among the Metropolit­an Police Department’s lowest law enforcemen­t priorities” to arrest people who use and sell those substances — though the City Council or Congress could still overturn the law.

Wiener said he was encouraged by those developmen­ts and is talking with experts about exactly what form his proposal should take. He said he was leaning toward Oregon’s supervised approach, but also allowing for the use of synthetic psychedeli­cs such as LSD. He is working with Assembly members Evan Low, DCampbell, and Sydney Kamlager, DLos Angeles, on the bill.

Wiener, who said he does not take psychedeli­cs himself, noted that cultures all over the world have been using them since the beginning of time.

“Any substance can be harmful, so I’m not suggesting that anything is like nirvana,” he said. “But we know that psychedeli­cs can be used safely. We know they appear to have significan­t medicinal uses.”

Wiener has already said he plans to reintroduc­e legislatio­n that would allow San Francisco and Oakland, which are struggling with surging opioid overdoses, to experiment with safeinject­ion sites where users would take drugs under supervisio­n. He also wants to take another run at a bill to end mandatory jail and prison time for nonviolent drug offenses, after the Legislatur­e failed to pass the measure this year.

 ?? Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle 2019 ?? Oakland resident Steve Hull listens in during a public safety committee hearing at Oakland City Hall in 2019 as City Council members hear a resolution on decriminal­izing plantbased psychedeli­cs.
Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle 2019 Oakland resident Steve Hull listens in during a public safety committee hearing at Oakland City Hall in 2019 as City Council members hear a resolution on decriminal­izing plantbased psychedeli­cs.

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