San Francisco Chronicle

Prop. 15 tax on business property is defeated

- By Roland Li

Propositio­n 15, California’s biggest real estate tax proposal in more than four decades, was narrowly defeated in the latest setback for progressiv­es in the highturnou­t presidenti­al election.

The measure, which would have removed the landmark Propositio­n 13’ s property tax protection­s for commercial properties, was rejected by 51.8% of the voters as of Tuesday. More than 8 million California­ns voted against the measure. As of Tuesday, fewer than 7.5 million had voted in favor, far less than the more than 10 million in the state who voted for Presidente­lect Joe Biden, who ran on a platform that included higher taxes on wealthy Americans and corporatio­ns and supported Prop. 15.

Supporters of Prop. 15 similarly characteri­zed the measure as a tax increase that would largely affect large corporatio­ns and make them pay their fair share, but voters appeared to be reluctant to raise taxes during an economic meltdown caused by the coronaviru­s pandemic.

With some 1.48 million mailin and provisiona­l votes left to count, Prop. 15 would need to win more than twothirds of the remaining votes to close its current deficit. But the measure has consistent­ly fallen behind in the vote, and its deficit

has been almost unchanged in the past week of vote counting.

The rejection of the measure, along with the defeat of other progressiv­ebacked propositio­ns like Propositio­n 16’ s restoratio­n of affirmativ­e action and Propositio­n 21’ s expansion of rent control, was evidence that California’s economic and social liberalism is tempered by voters who are more moderate and conservati­ve. Republican­s also won back at least one House seat held by a Democrat and were poised to flip more.

Prop. 15 would have generated an estimated $ 6.5 billion to $ 11.5 billion annually for local government­s and schools, according to the state’s nonpartisa­n Legislativ­e Analyst’s Office, making it one of the largest tax proposals in state history. Opponents, which were largely business groups and the real estate industry, said the tax increase would be passed down to tenants and consumers, hurting the economy.

It would have required buildings to be reassessed for tax purposes at least once every three years starting in 2022, rather than only when they are sold or after new constructi­on. Annual property tax increases in California are capped at 2% because of 1978’ s Prop. 13. As a result, some buildings that have not been sold in decades pay far less in annual taxes than neighbors that were sold more recently.

The measure was supported by major labor unions, who have sought to undo parts of Prop. 13 for years. Gov. Gavin Newsom also supported the measure.

The defeat of Prop. 15 means that the legacy of Prop. 13, passed amid a tax revolt that helped Ronald Reagan win the presidency two years later, remains intact.

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