San Francisco Chronicle

GM sides with California on climate change rules

- By Kurtis Alexander

General Motors said Monday it’s breaking with the Trump administra­tion in its fight against California’s clean air regulation, an early sign that the state’s nationlead­ing climate policies are winning momentum as changes come to the White House.

The Detroitbas­ed automobile giant, alongside Toyota, Fiat Chrysler and a handful of other automakers, has allied with the federal government in an industry splitting rift over whether California should be allowed to set stricter emissions rules for cars and lightduty trucks than the rest of the nation.

The federal government has long allowed the state to set its own tailpipe policy — a bid to improve California’s smoggy skies and limit greenhouse gas emissions. Several states have adopted California’s regulation. Last year, however, the Trump administra­tion rescinded the state’s right to establish its own rules, arguing that the federal government’s fuel economy standards should dictate auto emissions nationwide.

Citing Presidente­lect Joe Biden’s support for cleaner cars and sensing tailwinds in Washington for stronger climate action, General Motors said in a letter to environmen­tal groups Monday that it plans to be more bullish about electrific­ation and confrontin­g global warming.

“We believe the ambitious electrific­ation goals of the presidente­lect, California and General Motors are

General Motors says its electrific­ation goals to address global warming are aligned with California’s.

aligned to address climate change by drasticall­y reducing automobile emissions,” company CEO Mary Barra wrote.

The letter confirmed that General Motors was dropping its support for the federal government in its legal battle with California over auto emissions. At stake is the Trump administra­tion’s effort to weaken national fuel economy standards put in place under former President Barack Obama. That includes rescinding California’s waiver, under the Clean Air Act, to pursue an independen­t tailpipe policy.

While General Motors did not endorse California’s specific emissions standards, it appears to be on the side of four other big automakers that have: Honda, Ford, Volkswagen and BMW. Last year, the four companies struck a deal with California to build cars and lightduty trucks that pollute less than the federal government’s limits.

The move, which created a fissure in the industry as well as uncertaint­y in the auto market, has spawned several lawsuits.

California has since required state agencies to buy vehicles only from companies that recognize its power to set tailpipe rules.

In its letter Monday, General Motors urged others in the industry to back the state. The additional support could bolster California’s case in the courtroom, but more importantl­y help shift the tide in Washington in favor of stronger climate policies.

Biden, who has pledged to tackle global warming, could also seek to reverse the current administra­tion’s legal effort against California and reinstate tighter national fuel economy standards, though this could take time.

In March, the Trump administra­tion finalized its rollback of nationwide fuel efficiency standards, requiring a 1.5% annual increase in fuel economy through 2026, compared with Obama’s 5% annual increase.

 ?? Alex Wong / Getty Images 2016 ?? CEO Mary Barra says GM plans to be more bullish on electric cars.
Alex Wong / Getty Images 2016 CEO Mary Barra says GM plans to be more bullish on electric cars.

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