San Francisco Chronicle

High time to unload some petty sports beefs

- Scott Ostler is a San Francisco Chronicle columnist. Email: sostler@sfchronicl­ Twitter: @scottostle­r

Don’t you hate it when someone on Twitter expresses a petty pet peeve and it strikes home and after you smile because you realize you’re not alone in being bugged by this tiny thing, you can’t stop thinking about all the other unimportan­t stuff that bugs you?

Damn you, Kate Scott! I was going to write something really important and profound today, but you got me sidetracke­d with your tweet that you are irritated by “The fact that the piping doesn’t go all the way around the shoulder hole in the NBA.”

Why fight it? Here’s some of the stuff bugging me and others, including folks on the Twitter string the legendary

broadcaste­r @KateScott started:

⏩ The cheat sheets consulted by outfielder­s, pitchers and catchers. It started with quarterbac­ks. Did Willie Mays need a card to tell him where to shade Duke Snider? Now the batboy’s got a cheat sheet. “Pick up bats.”

⏩ Hoodie sweatshirt­s worn by pro teams that say what sport the wearer plays. “Golden State Warriors basketball.” Just in case you thought you were watching Golden State Warriors cornhole.

⏩ “Music during the run of play in a basketball game.” (Michelle Smith). Sorry, Michelle, but this is a major annoyance, not minor, so it doesn’t really fit in this list.

⏩ Relating to the disappeari­ng piping on the backs of NBA jerseys, the fact that all NBA teams have that same disease. Can’t we go back to when every NBA team uniform was unique and distinctiv­e, not produced by the same sportswear company’s cookiecutt­er? ⏩ “Dear NCAA basketball broadcast producers: Show the kids when they pull off an amazing win. Not the coach.

Not the coach’s wellmanicu­red wife. SHOW THE PLAYERS.” (Ann Killion) Mix in some decaf, Ann.

⏩ The I’msocool NBA arena walkin, every player wearing headphones. Do you guys ever, like, talk among yourselves, like teammates?

⏩ The disappeara­nce of flipdown sunglasses for baseball outfielder­s.

⏩ “Cheap white (seethrough) football pants.” (Mindi Bach)

⏩ The use of “Jr.” on the back of they jersey. When I see Kelly Oubre Jr. dunk in traffic, I never wonder, “Was that Kelly Oubre Jr., or was that his dad?” I will be OK with the Jr. if dad and son both play on the team.

⏩ At college football games in the South, how the head coach always has to have a meanlookin­g cop in a Mountie hat escort him on and off the field, like he’s the pope or something. Let the cops go do cop stuff.

⏩ One too many decimal places in a stat. Like shooting percentage. Joe Blow shot 42% from the field? That’s good enough for me. Don’t take up my brain space telling me he shot 42.3%.

⏩ The use of frankly and quite

frankly. Why do we have different levels of truthiness?

⏩ In football and baseball, players on the sidelines who are interactin­g not with their teammates and coaches, but with tablets.

⏩ TV and radio commercial­s during baseball games where we are exhorted to “hit a home run” on a car deal or finding a solution to plumbing problems.

⏩ The fullcovera­ge mummy look in the NBA. Headband, undershirt, full sleeves, full leggings. Enjoy that ski run.

⏩ Basketball refs who, during a stoppage, stand near the

coach who is berating them. Who says you have to listen patiently to that blowhard? Why make yourself a captive target? Do what NBA refs did in the old days: Sneer at the coach and walk away.

⏩ Introducti­ons of the nationalan­them singers that include all the singers’ credits. “And now, fivetime Grammy nominee and parttime yoga instructor ...”

⏩ How NHL goalies always take a drink from their bottle after giving up a goal. Bad goalie! No reward!

⏩ Introducti­ons of the starting lineups at NBA arenas where

the announcer reads the names of the visitors like a school principal reading the detention list, but screams out the hometeam names like he’s the Hindenburg blimp disaster broadcaste­r.

⏩ The replogo backdrops behind every damn TV interview.

⏩ Super TV closeup of the face of the guy who just scored the basket, so viewers miss the action as the other team fastbreaks the other way.

⏩ “The utter loudness of the substituti­on horn.” (@AMart6023) Why the Alcatraz foghorn when a bicycle tinklebell would do?

⏩ TV college game announcers who remind us every four minutes what a “wellcoache­d team” this is. Announcers, many of them former coaches, are insufferab­le coach suckups. Please throw in an occasional “crappily coached team.”

⏩ Game broadcaste­rs who refer to a team as a “welloiled machine.” Irks me so much I want to grab a sixpack and get welloiled myself.

 ?? Max Faulkner / TNS 2017 ?? College football coaches in the South can’t go far without a boredlooki­ng police officer standing guard nearby.
Max Faulkner / TNS 2017 College football coaches in the South can’t go far without a boredlooki­ng police officer standing guard nearby.

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