San Francisco Chronicle

Heart warnings likely for shots given to young

- By Catherine Ho

Federal health regulators anticipate adding warnings for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID19 vaccines in light of reports of heart inflammati­on in a small number of adolescent­s and young adults after vaccinatio­n.

The Food and Drug Administra­tion will “move rapidly” to include the warnings of possible vaccineind­uced heart inflammati­on on fact sheets for health care providers and recipients, the FDA’s Dr. Doran Fink said Wednesday during a public meeting of the Advisory Committee for Immunizati­on Practices. The committee advises the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on vaccine policy.

Regulators did not indicate any plans to change federal rules allowing the vaccines to be given to children as young as 12, saying the

dangers of heart inflammati­on were small compared with the risks from contractin­g COVID19.

“The facts are clear: This is an extremely rare side effect, and only an exceedingl­y small number of people will experience it after vaccinatio­n,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky and Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine said in a joint statement with several medical associatio­ns. “Importantl­y, for the young people who do, most cases are mild, and individual­s recover often on their own or with minimal treatment.”

They added that myocarditi­s and pericardit­is, inflammati­on of the heart and heart lining, “are much more common if you get COVID19, and the risks to the heart from COVID19 infection can be more severe.”

The warnings on vaccine fact sheets are meant to alert health care profession­als and the public of the possible postvaccin­ation risk of heart inflammati­on. Cases of myocarditi­s have been reported mostly in young males within a week of getting their second shot of mRNA vaccine, the type produced by Pfizer and Moderna. Most often the cases were mild and people recovered quickly.

The issue has not been reported among people who have received the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine.

The latest data suggests a likely associatio­n between heart inflammati­on with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in adolescent­s and young adults, an analysis by the CDC committee’s vaccine safety work group found.

Fink said the FDA warning “would likely include informatio­n stating these events have occurred in some vaccine recipients following dose 2 of mRNA vaccines.” Inflammati­on typically has occurred “within several days to a week following vaccinatio­n,” he said.

Although the committee did

not suggest changing vaccinatio­n age rules, two CDC researcher­s who presented new data said providers should consider a procedural change

when vaccinatin­g people with a history of myocarditi­s. If someone with a history of myocarditi­s develops symptoms after the first dose, they

recommend delaying the second dose until more informatio­n is known. If the heart has recovered, the second dose can be given “under certain circumstan­ces,” they said.

Many members of the CDC committee, which includes infectious disease and pediatric experts, said they agreed that the benefits of vaccinatin­g young people against COVID outweigh the risks of myocarditi­s, which typically is treatable.

“This is still a very rare event,” said Dr. Tom Shimabukur­o of the CDC’s COVID19 Vaccine Task Force.

About 600 cases of myocarditi­s have been reported out of 133 million seconddose shots administer­ed, according to new data presented by the CDC on Wednesday.

For people ages 12 to 39,

myocarditi­s occurred at a rate of 12.6 cases per million seconddose shots in the 21 days after vaccinatio­n, according to CDC data.

“We’re talking about a handful of cases per million doses,” said Stanford infectious disease specialist Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, who added that she “absolutely” still recommends that people get vaccinated.

“The vaccine is still highly beneficial when you compare it to the risk of getting COVID disease,” Maldonado said. “The risk of COVID in an individual child or adult is still much higher than any complicati­on from the vaccine.”

 ?? Photos by Rachel Bujalski / Special to The Chronicle ?? Fathemi Fnu gets her COVID19 shot at Vacaville High School. Some young people developed heart problems from the vaccine.
Photos by Rachel Bujalski / Special to The Chronicle Fathemi Fnu gets her COVID19 shot at Vacaville High School. Some young people developed heart problems from the vaccine.
 ??  ?? Students volunteer at the school’s vaccinatio­n site. The vaccine remains “highly beneficial” for everyone, doctors say.
Students volunteer at the school’s vaccinatio­n site. The vaccine remains “highly beneficial” for everyone, doctors say.

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