San Francisco Chronicle

Hate crime investigat­ion


Authoritie­s in Winthrop are investigat­ing whether a white man who shot and killed two Black people on Saturday after crashing a stolen truck into a house was acting out of racial and religious hatred.

The suspect, Nathan Allen, 28, had made “antisemiti­c and racist statements against Black individual­s,” said Rachael Rollins, the district attorney in Suffolk County. She said investigat­ors had found “some troubling whitesupre­macist rhetoric” in Allen’s own handwritin­g.

An officer fatally shot Allen after the attack, authoritie­s said.

Allen stole a truck and rammed it into a home in Winthrop. He began to shoot as he fled, but he walked by several people who were not Black and did not fire at them, Rollins said.

The victims were David Green, a retired Massachuse­tts State Police officer with 36 years of experience, and Ramona Cooper, a 60yearold Air Force veteran who was still working with the military, officials said.

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