San Francisco Chronicle

5n|air dežands


Regarding “Back to office during virus surgeAE No thanks” ºJuly 28»b I find it rich that the same people who are whining about returning to the office fulltime because they don’t want to spread the virus to their unvaccinat­ed children ºor because they have chosen to move further away» are also the ones who’ve been demanding that teachers go back fulltime since before the vaccine was even available.

Essential workers have been working the whole time. Maybe your employer will decide you aren’t essential and the problem will fix itself.

Bnielle BrinBccic SBn rBncisco been programmed to distrust voting by mail and the most enthusiast­ic about the recall. The state could use the election to increase the vaccinatio­n rate among that demographi­c that is the most resistant to protecting society from the spread of the virus. The state should require proof of vaccinatio­n for in person voting to protect poll workers in particular and society in general.

CrBiƒ ri||inc er—eleð

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