San Francisco Chronicle




1 Skiing mecca

5 Hard wood

8 Lazy one

13 Gluck of opera

14 Clean the deck

16 Sporty car

17 Hop

18 Polynesian carving

19 Show host

20 Physics unit

21 Welds

22 Delighted in

23 Furtivenes­s

25 Large family

27 Bring action

28 Postponed game

31 Stray calf

34 Fooled with

35 Young lady, slangily

37 Annexes

38 Came upon

39 “Hawkeye” Pierce

40 Yale grad

41 Extinguish

42 Wood nymph

43 Lack

45 Shake a finger

46 Hiker’s trail

47 Flew

51 Bitter

54 Pointless

56 Sonnet kin

57 Rains ice pellets

58 Robin’s domain

59 Quite similar

60 Walk slowly

61 Attendance

62 Jiffies

63 — nova

64 Golf term

65 Gambling stake


1 Dells

2 Warn

3 Picture

4 Swimmer’s unit

5 Discerning

6 Rustle

7 Ocean fish

8 Reykjavik’s nation

9 Hooded cloak

10 Fortune

11 Fencer’s blade

12 Tall grass

15 Miami’s — Bay

21 Chimney pipe

24 Defects and all (2 wds.)

26 Told a whopper

28 Shake awake

29 Not pretty

30 Mock fanfare (hyph.)

31 Joey or Kiki

32 Earthen pot

33 Smooth-tongued

34 Handling

36 Schoolboy

38 Typeface

39 Medea sailed on her

41 — — Scrolls

42 Broad valley

44 Tanker mishaps

45 Snowy period

47 Tasty carbohydra­te

48 Remembranc­e

49 Proclamati­on

50 Slow-witted

51 Moby Dick foe

52 Hunter’s garb

53 Corduroy ridges

55 Lowest high tide

59 Sharp — — tack

 ??  ??

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