San Francisco Chronicle

Kardashian West basks in ‘SNL’ love

- By Mick LaSalle

Kim Kardashian West’s “Saturday Night Live” appearance was a disaster. But here’s the surprise: It wasn’t her fault.

In the weeks leading up to her first stint as “SNL” host on Saturday, the question was whether Kardashian West would be able to live up to the assignment. But the “SNL” writers apparently didn’t think of it that way. Instead, the tenor of every skit suggested the reverse — the show’s anxiety over whether “SNL” was good enough for Kim Kardashian West.

That bizarre reversal killed a whole night of comedy. On one side, you have a television sketch comedy show that has lasted 46 years and has served as a launching pad for two generation­s of comedy stars. And on the other side, you have a reality TV star who is famous for being famous. In such a situation, you’d think Kardashian West would be the one feeling the pressure.

To her credit, she didn’t, and it must be admitted and appreciate­d. There is something appealing about self-confidence, even when it’s grounded in nothing, because, in the end, it’s always grounded in something. It might be self-knowledge, or a sense of proportion, or philosophy. In any case, whatever the source of her composure, Kardashian West stepped onto the “SNL” stage in a pink body suit looking like she owned the place.

She was centered. She made a few jokes about her famous family — featured on the long-running reality show “Keeping Up With the Kardashian­s” — and about rapper Kanye West, whom she is divorcing.

The jokes weren’t that funny, but they weren’t bad, and she looked relaxed telling them. She has an interestin­g quality — unemotive, like someone who is used to being watched and has

made a study of not reacting.

At one point, she made reference to Kanye West’s failed presidenti­al run and her exsteppare­nt Caitlyn Jenner’s failed gubernator­ial run by pretending she might announce her own campaign for political office.

“Just kidding,” she said. “We can’t have three failed politician­s in the family.”

At this early stage in the evening, it seemed possible that this “SNL” appearance might turn into something. But immediatel­y, the show ran into an insurmount­able problem: Kardashian West has become a symbol for America’s infatuatio­n with the superficia­l. This is someone who became famous for a sex tape and then maintained her fame through reality TV. Kardashian West isn’t the only thing wrong with America — and she’s far from the worse thing in contempora­ry culture — but she is, nonetheles­s, the kind of person that comedy exists to deflate.

Rather than deflate her, which would have been rude, the “SNL” writers could have been polite and treated her as just a member of the ensemble. They could have written skits about something other than the host, just like they did when Elon Musk hosted in May. But instead, “SNL” went into a fullblown celebratio­n of Kardashian West, and the result was embarrassi­ng.

There was a skit where various men vied to be her partner on a dating show, “The Dream Guy.” ( John Cena and Chris Rock made fleeting appearance­s.) In another skit, Aidy Bryant and Kardashian West switch lives for the day, with the implicit idea being that Bryant lives a boring, uneventful life, while Kardashian West lives a life of gloriousne­ss and glamour.

There was an Aladdin parody, with Pete Davidson and Kardashian West riding a magic carpet as he agonizes about whether he’ll be man enough to have sex with her. Finally, a genie shows up and gives him a larger penis. (Yes, you just read that. That was the skit. It was supposed to be funny.)

Kardashian West also appeared as her older sister, Kourtney, in a skit in which she played a judge mediating disputes between Kardashian family members. The jokes were baffling for anyone who isn’t a longtime Kardashian aficionado.

In the end, it all added up to a craven, grotesque spectacle. “Saturday Night Live” pretty much had a nervous breakdown and fell apart around Kardashian West, as she just stood there and accepted the tribute. The show completely bought into the Kardashian­s’ sense of themselves as some form of American royalty and, with no irony at all — with only just a faint sense of embarrasse­d enthusiasm — worshiped this most famous of the Kardashian­s in a manner she no doubt found appropriat­e.

As an exercise in public relations, it was the ultimate triumph for a woman often regarded as a punch line. But for a comedy show known for skewering the rich, famous and unworthy, it was a resounding belly flop.

 ?? Rosalind O’Connor / NBC ?? “Saturday Night Live” musical guest Halsey (left), host Kim Kardashian West and cast member Cecily Strong appear in a promo for the show.
Rosalind O’Connor / NBC “Saturday Night Live” musical guest Halsey (left), host Kim Kardashian West and cast member Cecily Strong appear in a promo for the show.
 ?? Jean-Baptiste Lacroix / AFP / Getty Images ?? Reality star Kim Kardashian West hosted “Saturday Night Live” over the weekend in a surprising­ly worshipful episode.
Jean-Baptiste Lacroix / AFP / Getty Images Reality star Kim Kardashian West hosted “Saturday Night Live” over the weekend in a surprising­ly worshipful episode.

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