San Francisco Chronicle

Gridlock could delay COVID funds until fall


The U.S. is headed for “a lot of unnecessar­y loss of life,” the Biden administra­tion says, if Congress fails to provide billions more dollars to brace for the pandemic’s next wave. Yet the quest for that money is in limbo, the latest victim of election-year gridlock that’s stalled or killed a host of Democratic priorities.

President Biden’s appeal for funds for vaccines, testing and treatments has hit opposition from Republican­s, who’ve fused the fight with the precarious politics of immigratio­n. Congress is in recess, and the next steps are uncertain, despite admonition­s from COVID-19 coordinato­r Dr. Ashish Jha of damaging consequenc­es from “every day we wait.”

Officials say they’re running low on money to stock up on, or even begin to order, the latest vaccines, tests and treatments. Also lacking are funds to reimburse doctors treating uninsured patients and to help poor countries control the pandemic.

House and Senate Democrats have been wrangling over how to resolve the stalemate and even over which chamber should vote first. It’s an open question whether they’ll ever get the GOP votes they’ll need to pull the legislatio­n through the 50-50 Senate, and prospects in the narrowly divided House are unclear as well.

Optimists hope the measure could start rolling once Congress returns next week. Pessimists say without quick resolution, Democrats may not have enough leverage to push the money to passage until early fall. That’s when they could stuff it into legislatio­n that will probably be needed to finance government — a bill that would avert a federal shutdown, a pre-election distractio­n Republican­s will be desperate to avoid.

The COVID money is needed quickly, officials say. Their warnings have come with over 1 million U.S. deaths from the disease and a fresh variant that daily is hospitaliz­ing over 100,000 Americans and killing more than 300. Both numbers are rising.

Senate Republican­s are demanding a vote on amending the pandemic legislatio­n with language retaining Trump-era curbs that, citing COVID-19, have made it easier to bar migrants from entering the U.S. A federal judge has blocked Biden from ending those restrictio­ns. Liberals want Congress to eliminate the clampdown, but moderate Democrats in both chambers facing tough re-elections want to vote to retain it.

The result: Testy divisions between the Democrats’ two ideologica­l factions, and knotty questions for party leaders about how to resolve them and push a package to passage.

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