San Francisco Chronicle

Sports doctor loses appeal in abuse scandal


The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday rejected a final appeal from sports doctor Larry Nassar, who was sentenced to decades in prison for sexually assaulting gymnasts, including Olympic medalists.

Attorneys for Nassar said he was treated unfairly in 2018 and deserved a new hearing, based on vengeful remarks by a judge who called him a “monster” who would “wither” in prison like the wicked witch in “The Wizard of Oz.”

“I just signed your death warrant,” Ingham County Judge Rosemarie Aquilina said of Nassar’s 40-year sentence.

The state Supreme Court said that Nassar’s appeal was a “close question” and that it had “concerns” over the judge’s conduct. But the court also noted that Aquilina, despite her provocativ­e comments, stuck to the sentencing agreement worked out by lawyers in the case.

Nassar, 58, pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting gymnasts and other athletes with his hands under the guise of medical treatment for hip and leg injuries. He worked at Michigan State University and with USA Gymnastics, traveling the world with the elites of the sport.

More than 100 women, including Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, are collective­ly seeking more than $1 billion from the federal government for the FBI’s failure to stop Nassar when agents became aware of allegation­s against him in 2015. He was arrested

by Michigan State University police in 2016.

Michigan State, which was accused of missing chances over many years to stop Nassar, agreed to pay $500 million to more than 300 women and girls who were assaulted by him. USA Gymnastics and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee made a $380 million settlement.

 ?? Li Gang / Xinhua News Agency ?? Colorful streamers fly during the launch ceremony for the Chinese navy’s aircraft carrier Fujian at a dock in Shanghai.
Li Gang / Xinhua News Agency Colorful streamers fly during the launch ceremony for the Chinese navy’s aircraft carrier Fujian at a dock in Shanghai.

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