San Francisco Chronicle

Small town key in shielding east from Russians

- By Thomas Gibbons-Neff Thomas Gibbons-Neff is a New York Times writer.

DRUZHKIVKA, Ukraine — A small town has become a flash point in Ukraine’s struggle to defend a slowly shrinking pocket around two strategica­lly important cities that stand between Russia and its control of more of eastern Ukraine.

Reports over the weekend said Russian forces had broken through the Ukrainian front line in Toshkivka, a town roughly 12 miles southeast of the metropolit­an area of Sievierodo­netsk and Lysychansk. It was a troubling developmen­t for Ukrainian forces defending a swath of territory roughly 30 miles wide that has come to be known as the Sievierodo­netsk pocket — where Ukraine’s leaders say the fate of the country’s Donbas region could be decided.

The pocket is about threequart­ers encircled by Russian forces, leaving only a small gap — traversed by a mix of country roads and highways buffeted by artillery fire — where Ukrainian forces can shuttle supplies and troops into Sievierodo­netsk and Lysychansk.

The twin cities, at the northernmo­st edge of the pocket, are the last major population centers in the Luhansk province of Donbas not to have fallen to Russia, as Moscow’s forces intensify their push to seize more of eastern Ukraine.

Sievierodo­netsk is almost completely controlled by Russian forces, while Lysychansk, which lies on higher ground on the western bank of the Siversky Donets River, is preparing for an all-out assault. On Sunday, Ukrainian troops had dug fresh defenses in parts of Lysychansk and were positionin­g destroyed vehicles to create choke points on some roads.

As of Monday afternoon it was still unclear which side held control of Toshkivka. Russian forces claimed to have captured it, with the pro-Moscow leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, proclaimin­g its “liberation” in a post on Telegram, the messaging app. The claim could not be immediatel­y verified.

The small town has served as a key Ukrainian defensive line in the southeaste­rn side of the pocket. If Russian forces control Toshkivka, it would bring them that much closer to Lysychansk and Sievierodo­netsk — and more important, closer to threatenin­g the Ukrainian supply lines to both cities, leaving thousands of Ukrainian troops at risk of being cut off.

Videos posted online in recent days showed a column of what were apparently Russian tanks advancing into the western edge of Toshkivka. Ukrainian military officials said that they expected the Russians to continue to advance from Toshkivka westward toward the village of Myrna Dolyna, bringing them to within 3 miles of the edge of Lysychansk.

Ukrainian soldiers on the ground in the Donbas, a region of rolling hills and industrial towns where Toshkivka lies, said on Sunday that the town had fallen, despite Ukrainian officials’ assurances that the Russian advance had been thwarted.

Serhiy Haidai, the regional military governor, acknowledg­ed that the Russians had “had success” in the Toshkivka area Sunday but added that Ukrainian artillery had halted their advance. Hours before Haidai’s statement on Telegram, Ukrainian tanks and rocket launchers were seen barreling toward the front line around Toshkivka.

Haidai also confirmed that Russian forces had seized Metolkine, just east of Sievierodo­netsk, after Moscow claimed Sunday that it controlled the town. He described the situation in the area as “hell” amid a blizzard of Russian shellfire, with battles flaring “in multiple villages” around the two cities.

 ?? Tyler Hicks / New York Times ?? Ukrainian troops head toward Toshkivka, a small town near the cities of Sievierodo­netsk and Lysychansk, the last major population centers in the Donbas not to have fallen to Russia.
Tyler Hicks / New York Times Ukrainian troops head toward Toshkivka, a small town near the cities of Sievierodo­netsk and Lysychansk, the last major population centers in the Donbas not to have fallen to Russia.

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