San Francisco Chronicle

Why I hung up my stethoscop­e, to help people, like you, get better!”


I know that that sounds a little strange, but it’s the truth!

I wanted to be a doctor since I was seven or eight years old. I used to watch the old “heroic” medical shows on TV, “Dr. Kildaire” and “Ben Casey,” sitting on the floor, with a notebook, a Merck Manual and a medical dictionary at my side. I idolized my doctor, always asking questions whenever I went. (No pediatrici­an. The whole family went to the GP, the general practition­er.)

Beginning college, I signed up for biology pre-med. I went to work in a hospital as an orderly. Then, I hurt my back, badly, lifting a very heavy patient. So, I went directly to the orthopedis­t, who was my hero. (Yes, I dreamed of becoming an orthopedic surgeon.) He did the ritual 3-minute exam, and X-rayed (only) my low back. He informed me that I had

spondyloli­sthesis, a condition where one or more lumbar vertebrae are in TWO pieces, instead of one. (Really unstable!) in my case, it wasn’t one; it was three vertebrae, L3, L4 and L5, with L5 hanging forward, ¾’s into space. He prescribed Darvon 65 Compound, the

Oxycontin of the day. He said that there was nothing else that he could do for me, then, and that I’d be back to him by the time I would be 30 or 40, for a TOTAL LUMBAR FUSION. Being a young, naïve premed student, all I said was “Yes, Doctor!”

The episodes of pain came and went. I graduated college, and went on to medical school. Home from the second year, IT ALL HIT THE FAN! I wasn’t 30. I wasn’t 40. I was 23 years old… bent over, in excruciati­ng pain, going down both legs, even beginning to lose control of my bladder. (The medical “geniuses” have yet to figure out that the nerves that may be carrying pain also run your organs!) I KNEW that it was time for the Knife.

But I lucked out! A friend told me about a totally different kind of doctor, the kind that I had been trained to believe was a quack. Experience taught me that maybe, just maybe, I had it backwards. Just walking in to his office, right away, I knew that this would be different! People were talking to one another. There was a warmth that I never experience­d in any medical office. This different kind of doctor did THE most thorough examinatio­n that I had ever had, by far! X-rayed my entire spine. He explained what he found, and what had to be done. He put me on this strange-looking table. I was so scared, I almost jumped off the table to run for my life. But I stayed. He did an adjustment with his hands, and then he got me off the table. I stood up, straight and pain-free, for the first time in months! This man was a chiropract­or. He understood what the orthopedis­t did not. He did what the orthopedis­t could not.

I forgot about returning to med school (“THROWING AWAY MY STETHOSCOP­E”), and went off to chiropract­ic college. I met my wife, Carole, in the health food store she was running, “Mother Nature’s.” After I graduated, we left New York to come here, because we saw most New Yorkers being fooled by the whole medical culture… big time! Back then, when we first got here, in 1981, the whole “alternativ­e” movement was going on. That was just window dressing, for the most part. Most everyone was fooled here, too! I’m on a quest, a mission, to bring reason and real science to as many as I can, so that they are free to choose Health. (That’s a whole different thing than fighting disease, which is what Medicine does, and not that well. THAT is why it’s a lie to call Medicine “health care.”)

Our son, Abraham, was born in 1984. For many, one of the most physically traumatic events we go through is medical childbirth. So, five minutes after he was born, I checked him for nerve interferen­ce, what we call subluxatio­n, and I found it. I gently adjusted him with my pinky. He smiled. We declined the idiotic hepatitis B shot. In fact, we declined all shots for him. When he was still in school with kids his age, and everyone was getting sick in the winter, he didn’t. When he’d feel a little off, he’d come to me and say, “Daddy, adjust me, please.” In maybe 20 minutes he’d be better. He dropped out of the 6th grade, and began College of Marin when he was 11 years old. Graduated at 14, went on to Cal Tech, where he graduated, with honors, at 17. He got his Ph.D. from Penn State in theoretica­l physics at 22. After that, University of Chicago, then the Albert Einstein Institute in Germany. Now he’s a professor in Dublin (Ireland, not the East Bay). Yes, Abraham did OK!*

Because I recognize and practice, with passion, and with science what real Chiropract­ic is, people, like you, have come to me with DIFFICUTY WALKING AND GETTING OUT OF A CHAIR, balance problems, tremors, rheumatoid arthritis, brain fog, post-stroke problems, foot problems, Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, urinary frequency and control, migraines, herniated disks, bone-onbone knees and hips, IBS, respirator­y problems, chronic fatigue, TMJ, autoimmune issues, heartburn, hormonal issues, out-of-control diabetes and blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, just to name a few. To be CLEAR, I don’t treat any of these conditions. I don’t even treat backache. I correct nerve interferen­ce, through gentle, specific chiropract­ic adjustment­s, by hand only, to allow your body to heal, to function better.

I’ve been serving the Bay Area for 42 years! I was honored as “Chiropract­or of the Year” by the World Chiropract­ic Alliance in 2006. I’ve been on their board as well as the board of the Council on Chiropract­ic Practice. I was recently appointed to the Internatio­nal Agency for Chiropract­ic Evaluation, Commission on Accreditat­ion.

Amazing person...amazing work. Dr. Harte is like no other! Thank you for giving me relief but most of all...hope for a healthy life. – April Fletcher, Vacaville

“Urinary functions improved. Psoriasis improved.” - Calvin Jow, American Canyon “I went in to see Dr. Harte after my mother and father had been to see him. I suffer from osteoarthr­itis, constipati­on, depression and digestive upset. It has only been one week but already I am pooping naturally (which for me is a miracle!), my arthritis pain in my right hand is greatly reduced and my neck pain is gone! ”– Mia Fischer, San Mateo

“Previous urinary urgency… not so much. Sinuses OK now. Balance is better. Tight feeling in chest is gone! Sleeping better! More energy!” – Linda Curtis, Tiburon

“Menopausal symptoms less. Headaches down to once a week (from 4-5 a week). No more constipati­on.” - Cyndie Beckwith, Santa Rosa

“I’ve always had what I believe to be the norm. Since adjustment­s began, I have so much more. Pretty soon, I won’t have to sleep!” - Holly Silvera-Newman, San Francisco

Our OVER-generous, truly Amazing Offer, that you’ll benefit from, immensely! It shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg just to find out about HOW real Chiropract­ic could change your life, dramatical­ly, for the better. This great offer gives you an opportunit­y to see and understand how your body REALLY works, what happens when it doesn’t, and how you can return to Health. If you bring in this article by Tuesday, October 24th, you’ll receive my entire new patient exam for only $170, instead of the regular fee of $975. (I guarantee that you’ve never had an exam this comprehens­ive, for any amount of money.) This includes digital spinal X-rays, neurologic­al scans, the whole ball of wax. The X-rays alone could cost you over $3000 elsewhere.

I am Dr. Harte (D.C.), and I guarantee that you’ll not see me with a stethoscop­e around my neck nor wearing a white coat. Call me, now, at 415/460-6527. I understand where health and healing come from; your medical specialist­s do not. Most importantl­y, they cannot correct nerve interferen­ce, while I can.

Our office is friendly and warm. We’re perfectly situated in Corte Madera, by the big shopping centers, 20 minutes from the Sonoma County line, 5 minutes from the RichmondSa­n Rafael Bridge, and 10, 11 minutes from the Golden Gate, literally one minute from 101. There are a lot of reasons why people, like you, travel distances (San Francisco, Lafayette, Sonoma, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Berkeley, Hercules, Windsor, Vallejo, Palo Alto…), regularly, to THE HARTE OF CHIROPRACT­IC. Call me now 415/460-6527.

PS: Do not ask me if I “take” your insurance. You’ve already been to those chiropract­ors who do.

PPS: THREATENED with… or ALREADY DAMAGED by spinal surgery? OK, you’ve been to the MRI Dogand-Pony Show. You’ve nodded at what the orthopedis­t was pointing out, as if you understand. But, don’t feel bad… They don’t understand, either! There are only two good reasons for back surgery… if you have a tumor, or if you have a fracture, that’s unstable. To CONTINUE WITH THEM, their solutions are (1) more drugs, and/or (2) more surgeries, allegedly to fix what they did, before. BEFORE you get more damage and pain, come see me. I will help you! (With my gentle techniques, I even help people who’ve had fusions!)

“A lifetime of dealing with acute back pain and not gaining any ground after going through all the “experts” services including an X-stop implant, I decided to see Dr. Harte as my last hope. It has been three years now and I can tell you that I have never felt better. I’ve lost 25 pounds, cut my blood pressure pills in half, and regained my normal posture. Dr. Harte is very caring about his patients. His methods address the spine as the health of the whole person. I used to be in my doctor’s office about 15 times a year for various issues, now I see him once a year for a physical. He says I’m in the best shape that he can remember. All my blood tests are normal. I will see Dr. Harte for the rest of my days.” -Al Farbstein, San Rafael

“I’ve had multiple back surgeries, the last one two years ago which included fusion at L5/S1. Around last October the sciatica the ortho said would be fixed was worse than before the surgery. I’ve lived in Marin County for almost 20 years, but always figured chiropract­ic could not help people who have had fusion. But this time the ad was different or at least different from what I remembered. This time it said to not give up on chiropract­ic just because we’ve had surgery. I called and have not regretted it. I’ve experience­d more relief over the last 9 months than I thought possible. It’s not just the sciatica that is a lot more bearable. The neck pain and agonizing back pain are more manageable, sleep is better. Quality of life is much better overall.”– Michael Deutch, Tiburon

PPPS: This is the LAST article in the Chronicle, with this Special Offer, until next year. I have only seven spots left for this time of year. And, remember, I only accept people who are serious about their health. (HINT: If you ask me if I “take” your insurance {you’ve already been to those chiropract­ors}, you will not receive this Special Offer.

* It seems that there are “comedians” on staff at the chiropract­ic board, who think that you will think that, if you bring your child here, he or she will be guaranteed to get a Ph.D. by 22. I am supposed to tell you not to expect that.

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