San Francisco Chronicle

Vandalism at Oakland synagogue investigat­ed as possible hate crime

- By Jordan Parker Reach Jordan Parker: Jordan.Parker@sfchronicl­; Twitter: @jparkerwri­tes

Two vandalism incidents are being investigat­ed as possible hate crimes after concrete blocks were thrown at the windows of Chabad Jewish Center of Oakland, police and synagogue officials said Monday.

The incidents occurred just two weeks apart at the synagogue located at 3014 Lakeshore Ave., according to Oakland police and synagogue officials. The first incident occurred just before 11:30 p.m. on June 21, police said. The second incident occurred Saturday just after midnight.

Dovid Labkowski, the synagogue’s rabbi, said two of the windows were cracked after the separate incidents. However, both windows are still intact, Labkowski said.

Videos of each incident viewed by the Chronicle show an individual throwing the concrete blocks toward the lower level windows of the center and then walking away. It is not known whether the suspect is the same in each incident. Police said the suspect or suspects are unknown.

Following the two incidents, Labkowski said the synagogue brought the concrete blocks inside for display, adding that they would be used in an unspecifie­d future project “to do something good with it.” He called on authoritie­s to “put an end to this hate.”

“I think people (in the community) are outraged and upset,” said Labkowski. “As a Rabbi and as people here in the Jewish community, to have these attacks targeted at them is dishearten­ing. And it’s difficult to feel and to see it happen. We’re hoping the police do their job and we hope to use this incident as a positive, a force for the future. Take this negativity and transform it into good.”

The incidents at the synagogue come less than six months after Labkowski’s menorah at Lake Merritt was destroyed, sparking a hate crime investigat­ion and outcry from politician­s and members of the Bay Area Jewish community.

Oakland police did not respond to a request for further informatio­n regarding the incidents.

The department is asking anyone with informatio­n regarding the incidents to contact OPD’s criminal investigat­ions unit at (510) 238-3951.

 ?? Courtesy of Dovid Labkowski ?? A composite of three photos shows damage at Chabad Jewish Center of Oakland from two separate incidents of vandalism that are being investigat­ed as hate crimes.
Courtesy of Dovid Labkowski A composite of three photos shows damage at Chabad Jewish Center of Oakland from two separate incidents of vandalism that are being investigat­ed as hate crimes.

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