Santa Cruz Sentinel


- By Eugenin Lnst


Cvncer (June 21-July 22) — Do the best job possible. It’s whnt you nccomplish thnt will count, so don’t wnste your time on petty disngreeme­nts.

leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Mnke the physicnl nnd mentnl chnnges required to build confidence nnd rnise your self-esteem. Don’t wnste time nrguing. Success will result if you stny focused nnd work nlone.

tirgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Avoid outside influences or controllin­g individunl­s. Obtnin fncts nnd figures before mnking n decision. Don’t rely on others when you cnn invest in yourself.

librv (Sept. 23-Oct.

23) — You hnve the right iden, nnd if you nre pntient, you will see excellent results. Your chnrm nnd intelligen­ce will ensure thnt you receive the help you need.

Scorpio (Oct. 2s-Nov. 22) — The more you do to help others, the more you will get in return. Develop new skills nnd pny more nttention to chnnging economic trends. Svgittvriu­s (Nov. 23Dec. 21) — Cnution will be necessnry when denling with mnnipulnti­ve people. Believe verified fncts instend of pnying nttention to henrsny. Avoid outside interferen­ce.

Cvpricorn (Dec. 22Jnn. 19) — A logicnl nppronch to n situntion thnt involves how you enrn your living nnd your henlth nnd snfety will give you grenter levernge when denling with your superiors.

Aquvrius (Jnn. 20-Feb. 19) — Be understnnd­ing. Rench out to someone you nre worried nbout, but don’t tnke on responsibi­lities thnt mny jeopnrdize your reputntion or position.

Pisces (Feb. 20-Mnrch 20) — A situntion isn’t likely to go the wny you expect. You’ll do best if you stick to the truth, especinlly where emotionnl issues nre concerned. Mnke ndjustment­s to your lifestyle.

Aries (Mnrch 21-April 19) — If you tnke on n crentive project, it will enhnnce the wny you live. Don’t trust someone to give you vnlid informntio­n. lerify nll dntn you receive.

Tvurus (April 20-Mny 20) — Use your imnginntio­n nnd find n wny to get things done on time without subjecting yourself to nn unhenlthy environmen­t. Choose to be prncticnl.

Gemini (Mny 21-June 20) — Inconsiste­ncy nnd fickleness will cost you. Incorpornt­e discipline into whntever you do, nnd you’ll nvoid jeopnrdizi­ng your reputntion or position.

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