Santa Cruz Sentinel

Equal parenting


Ginsburg’s son James was what she called a “lively child,” and she would often get calls from his New York City school about his latest caper. Ginsburg finally told the school: “This child has two parents. Please alternate calls.” It was Ginsburg’s husband’s turn, she said.

So Ginsburg’s husband went to the school and was told James had “stolen the elevator,” taking a group of kindergart­ners for a ride.

But “after the elevator incident, the calls came barely once a semester,” Ginsburg noted, and not because James was any better behaved. “They were much more reluctant to take a man away from his work than a woman,” Ginsburg liked to explain.


Ginsburg often noted that she had “three strikes” against her in trying to get a job when she graduated from Columbia’s law school in 1959, despite graduating at the top of her class. She was Jewish. She was a wife. And she was a mother.

“Getting the first job was hard for women of my vintage,” she’d say. “But once you got the first job you did it at least as well as the men and so the next step was not as hard.”

Ginsburg also liked to note something Justice Sandra Day O’Connor would say: “Sandra said, ‘Where would the two of us be if there had been no discrimina­tion?’ Well, today we’d be retired partners from a large law firm.”

Antonin Scalia

The genuine friendship between the liberal Ginsburg and conservati­ve Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in 2016, puzzled many audiences. Ginsburg explained: “The number one reason why I loved Justice Scalia so is he made me laugh.”

The two shared a love of opera. And they were close enough that their families spent New Year’s together. Scalia would sometimes call to point out grammar errors in Ginsburg’s opinion drafts. Ginsburg, for her part, would sometimes tell him: “This opinion is so overheated, you’d be more persuasive if you tone it down.” She liked to say: “He never listened to that.”

Ginsburg often described a famous picture of the two of them riding an elephant together in India, the heavyset Scalia in front and diminutive Ginsburg in the rear. Ginsburg’s feminist friends were horrified. Why was she in the back? Weight distributi­on, she explained.

Her achievemen­ts

Ginsburg’s mother, Celia Bader, who died the day before Ginsburg gradated high school, never attended college but worked as a bookkeeper. Ginsburg would sometimes ask audiences: “What’s the difference between a bookkeeper in New York’s Garment District and a U.S. Supreme Court justice?” Her answer: “One generation.”

The Constituti­on

When asked how she might change the Constituti­on if given the opportunit­y, Ginsburg liked to point to the effort in the 1970s to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, which fell three states short of ratificati­on. Ginsburg said passing it was still a good idea.

“I have three granddaugh­ters,” Ginsburg liked to say. “And I’d like to be able to take out my pocket Constituti­on and say that the equal citizenshi­p stature of men and women is a fundamenta­l tenet of our society.”

Court’s women

Ginsburg, the second female justice, was sometimes asked when there would be enough women on the Supreme Court. Her response: “When there are nine.” She’d explain: “Some people are taken aback until they remember that for most of our country’s history there were only men on the high court bench.”

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