Santa Cruz Sentinel


- The Conversati­on is an independen­t and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.

How nutrients help

Nut r ient s , e s sent ia l substances that help us grow properly and remain healthy, help maintain the immune system. In contrast to the delayed responses associated with malnutriti­on, vitamin A fights against multiple infectious diseases, including measles. Along with vitamin D, it regulates the immune system and helps to prevent its overactiva­tion. Vitamin C, an antioxidan­t, protects us from the injury caused by free radicals.

Poly phenols, a widerangin­g group of mole

cules found in all plants, also have anti-inflammato­ry properties. There’s plenty of evidence to show a diet rich in plant polyphenol­s can lower the risk of chronic conditions, like hypertensi­on, insulin insensitiv­ity and cardiovasc­ular disease.

Why don’t we Americans eat more of these plantbased foods and fewer of the bliss-based foods? It’s complicate­d. People are swayed by advertisin­g and influenced by hectic schedules. One starting place would be to teach people how to eat better from an early age. Nutrition education should be emphasized, from kindergart­en through high school to medical schools.

Millions of Americans

live in food deserts, having limited access to healthy foods. In these circumstan­ces, education must be paired with increased access. These long- term goals could bring profound returns with a relatively small investment.

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Meantime, all of us can take small steps to incrementa­lly improve our own dietar y habits. I’m not suggesting we stop eating cake, french fries and soda completely. But we as a society have yet to realize the food that actually makes us feel good and healthy is not comfort food.

The COVID-19 pandemic won’t be the last we face, so it’s vital that we use ev

ery preventive tool we as a society have. Think of good nutrition as a seat belt for your health; it doesn’t guarantee you won’t get sick, but it helps to ensure the best outcomes.

This article is republishe­d from The Conversati­on under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here: https:// theconvers­ good- nutrition- cancontrib­ute-to-keepingcov­id-19- and- otherdisea­ses- away-145086.

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