Santa Cruz Sentinel

Men accused in plot on Michigan governor attended protests

- By David Eggert

LANSING, MICH. >> Among the armed protesters who rallied at the Michigan Capitol against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s coronav ir us lockdown this past spring were some of the men now accused in stunning plots to kidnap her, storm the Capitol and start a “civil war.”

T he revelat ion ha s sparked scrutiny of rallies that were organized by conservati­ve groups opposed to the Democratic governor’s orders and egged on by President Donald Trump. It has also prompted renewed calls from Democrats for a gun ban in the building — an effort that so far has failed even after they reported feeling threatened by rifle- carrying protesters who entered the Statehouse.

At least one man accused of aiding in the surveillan­ce of Whitmer’s home as part of the alleged scheme to kidnap her stood in the Senate gallery on April 30 as majority Republican­s refused to extend an emergency declaratio­n that was the underpinni­ng of Whitmer’s stay- at- home and other restrictio­ns aimed at slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. “Several” of the 13 men arrested in the plots against the state government were seen at Capitol protests this year, the state attorney general’s office said.

A man whom the FBI identified in court papers as a leader in the alleged plot, Adam Fox, attended an “American Patriot” progun rights rally at the Capitol on June 18 to recruit members of anti- government paramilita­ry groups to attack the Statehouse, according to a federal complaint that cites a recording from a confidenti­al informant.

“I’m not surprised — and anyone who is just hasn’t been paying attention,” Whitmer told The Associated Press by phone on Friday. There have been Republican lawmakers and at least one sheriff at the protests, she said, “who fraternize with these domestic terror groups, who egg them on, who encourage them, who use language that incites them. They too are complicit.”

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