Santa Cruz Sentinel

Joe Biden will restore decency to White House


Incompeten­ce, chaos and mendacity.

So, are you tired of all this “winning” already?

The presidency of Donald Trump is heading for the finish line, according to all polls.

Truthfully, who isn’t weary of his erratic behavior, inability to tell the truth in even small matters, boorishnes­s and disregard for the “law and order” he clings to as a campaign strategy.

To say the time is right for a change is a colossal understate­ment. The election of Joe Biden as the next president is more than a vote for new leadership — it is essential to begin to heal America from the ruinous reign of the Trump storm.

An argument could be made that the Trump presidency was, in the first three years, good for the economy and had some successes in foreign affairs. Terrorism was held in check.

But through it all, even the feckless impeachmen­t spectacle, Trump kept up his bizarre habits of overnight tweets insulting and slandering anyone who dared cross his path.

And all that pales compared to what has transpired since COVID-19 revealed in stark detail the sickness at the heart of this presidency. The incoherenc­e of a national policy was mirrored by Trump’s brazen disregard for what his own medical experts are telling him. The death toll continues to rise and Trump’s own COVID-19 diagnosis did not change his irresponsi­ble behavior and narcissist­ic selfprocla­mations of greatness.

Through it all our nation is more divided than at any time since the late 1960s. Trump’s willful refusal to condemn white supremacy and lack of empathy for people caught in the oppressive vice of racism are well documented. His failure to confront climate change and his fascinatio­n with authoritar­ian dictators have weakened our country’s moral authority around the world.

And the list goes on, and on, for what history will someday record as one of the worst, if not the worst, presidenci­es.

Fortunatel­y, Joe Biden is more than just the anti-Trump. Biden, no stranger to suffering in his own life, will bring empathy and decency back to the White House.

Despite fears that he will cave in to the far left in his party, Biden’s long record as a senator and as vice president under Barack Obama shows a willingnes­s to respect differing opinions and political opponents.

His choice of Sen. Kamala Harris as his vice president demonstrat­es his ability to choose a qualified woman of color to run with him – moving past Harris’ criticisms of him during the primary campaign.

On foreign policy, Biden promises to rebuild alliances with other nations and to reassert the global leadership that Trump walked away from. Biden also understand­s that science, rather than being denigrated, is correct in warnings about the threats from climate change and he’ll make policies that will reflect that agreement and set in motion directives to make America carbon neutral in decades to come.

At the same time, he has already shown he can withstand the demands of the more extreme voices in his party, and has already said he will not use climate change to justify massive programs that will costs jobs and bring a financial burden for many working Americans.

In the same vein, he has not embraced single-payer health care or defunding police.

But Biden does support criminal justice reforms that include police use of force — and backs programs that emphasize crime prevention over incarcerat­ion.

It may seem that our democracy is teetering. It isn’t — yet. But empires throughout history have crumbled and decayed under internal corruption and incompeten­t leaders. Our country is waiting for a return to decency and a president who respects the rule of law and will work for all the people rather than for his own benefit.

Enough voters in enough states thought it was time in 2016 to put someone with no government experience and a sketchy resume in the White House. The results have been disastrous.

Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, will bring the necessary experience and character to confront and overcome the serious challenges ahead.

We urge the election of Joe Biden as the president of the United States of America.

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