Santa Cruz Sentinel

For Biden and senators, a sense that the ‘world was watching’

- By Lisa Mascaro The Associated Press

WASHINGTON » When President Joe Biden first announced the framework he’d reached with a bipartisan group of senators for a big infrastruc­ture bill, he said it meant more than building roads and bridges.

Agreement, he said two months ago, would send a signal “to ourselves and to the world that American democracy can deliver.”

The senators who led the legislatio­n to passage Tuesday agreed.

“We all knew that, quite honestly, that the world was watching,” said Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont.

Approved on an overwhelmi­ng 69-30 vote, the nearly $1 trillion package would boost federal spending for major improvemen­ts of roads, bridges, internet access and other public works in communitie­s from coast to coast. The bill goes next to the House.

What should have been a routine task — Biden recalled infrastruc­ture as “probably the least difficult thing to do” when he was a senator — became an exercise in showing how damaged the legislativ­e process has become in partisan Washington and how a president and core group of senators were determined to try to fix it.

Powering past skeptics, the five Democratic and five Republican senators who negotiated the deal were interested in Biden’s call to “build back better” after so many failed attempts at an infrastruc­ture overhaul. But they also wanted to build back the confidence of Americans and the world that the U.S. government could tackle big problems.

“We really realized that this was going to be important for the country and I think it’s important for the institutio­n,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said recently after a long day at the Capitol. “I’m really worried that everybody believes that we’re as dysfunctio­nal as we appear to be, and so prove otherwise, it’s kind of important.”

Since Biden took office, small groups of senators had been talking and meeting quietly on their own and sometimes with the White House, searching for ways to reach across the aisle on a range of issue — among them the minimum wage, immigratio­n and infrastruc­ture.

Many were alumni of the bipartisan coalition that stitched together a year-end COVID-19 relief package and saw an opportunit­y for compromise in the evenly split 50-50 Senate, where typically 60 votes are needed to advance any legislatio­n over an opposing filibuster.

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Murkowski held private lunches with senators in a committee room. Others hosted dinners at their homes.

These were the early days of the Biden administra­tion, not long after rioters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 in the deadly insurrecti­on that shattered civic norms and left a deepening unease among lawmakers.

Biden had delivered an inaugural address with a call for unity after the turbulent 2020 election, and some of the Republican senators had joined in voting to convict Donald Trump of inciting the insurrecti­on to upend Biden’s presidency. The former president was ultimately acquitted in his impeachmen­t trial.

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said those issues, along with the history of failed efforts to invest in infrastruc­ture, were on her mind as she joined the effort.

“It was a major motivation for me,” Collins said, “to demonstrat­e to the American people that we could overcome the hyper-partisansh­ip in Washington on a very important issue that administra­tions of both parties have been calling for, for the past 20 years.”

Biden had been in talks with another coalition led by West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, a Republican, but once that effort collapsed, he reached out to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the Democratic senator from Arizona.

A newer lawmaker, better known for her purple pandemic wig and chatting on the GOP side of the Senate aisle, Sinema made no secret of her reluctance to embrace Biden’s big infrastruc­ture plan, which initially topped $4 trillion.

She had already been working behind the scenes with Sen. Rob Portman, ROhio, and others in what another member of the group, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, described as a “backburner” coalition. They became the group of 10.

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