Santa Cruz Sentinel

Migrants face abuse in Libyan detention

- By Samy Magdy

ONBOARD THE GEO BARENTS OFF LIBYA >> Osman Touré was crying from the pain of repeated beatings and torture as he dialed his brother’s cellphone number.

“I’m in prison in Libya,” Touré said in that August 2017 call. “They will kill me if you don’t pay 2,500 dinars in 24 hours.”

Within days, Touré’s family transferre­d the roughly $550 demanded to secure his freedom from a government detention center in Libya. But Touré was not let go — instead, he was sold to a trafficker and kept enslaved for four more years.

Touré is among tens of thousands of migrants who have endured torture, sexual violence and extortion at the hands of guards in

detention centers in Libya, a major hub for migrants fleeing poverty and wars in Africa and the Middle East, hoping for a better life in Europe.

The 25-year-old Guinean, along with two dozen other migrants, spoke to The Associated Press aboard the

Geo Barents, a rescue vessel operated by the medical aid group Doctors Without Borders in the Mediterran­ean Sea off Libya. Most had been held in traffickin­g warehouses and government detention centers in western Libya over the past four years. They were among 60 migrants who fled Libya on Sept. 19 in two unseaworth­y boats and were rescued a day later by the Geo Barents.

The European Union has sent 455 million euros to Libya since 2015, largely channeled through U.N. agencies and aimed at beefing up Libya’s coast guard, reinforcin­g its southern border and improving conditions for migrants.

However, huge sums have been diverted to networks of militiamen and trafficker­s who exploit migrants, according to a 2019 AP investigat­ion. Coast guard members are also complicit, turning migrants over to detention centers under deals with militias or demanding payoffs to let others go.

Last week, U.N.-commission­ed investigat­ors said in a 32-page report that “policies meant to push migrants back to Libya to keep them away from European shores ultimately lead to abuses,” including possible crimes against humanity.

The migrants, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, told the AP that detention center guards beat and tortured them, then extorted money from their relatives. Their bodies showed traces of old and recent injuries, and signs of bullet and knife wounds on their backs, legs, arms and faces.

On paper, the detention centers are run by the Directorat­e for Combating Illegal Migration, overseen by the Interior Ministry and Libya’s interim authoritie­s, who took power earlier this year under U.N. auspices to carry out national elections by the end of the year. But on the ground, notorious militias remain in control, according to migrants and the U.N. investigat­ors.

Spokespeop­le for Libya’s government, the Interior Ministry, the directorat­e and the coast guard did not answer phone calls or respond to messages seeking comment.

Touré began his migration attempt in March 2015. Trafficker­s held him captive for months twice, in Niger and Algeria, before he crossed into Libya in April 2017, he said.

Four months later, Touré embarked from Libya, only to be intercepte­d by the coast guard and returned to Tripoli. At the port, he was taken to the al-Nasr Martyrs detention center in Zawiya.

That’s when the torture started. He described how guards would hang migrants upside down and whip their bare feet.

His second week in prison, six guards approached him. One slapped him hard on his face. The rest kicked and beat him. Then he was handed a cellphone and ordered to call his family.

Touré was taken from his cell three days after the phone call. He thought he would walk free. Instead, the guards sold him to a trafficker in Zawiya. He spent the next four years enslaved, working in the trafficker’s warehouse.

 ?? SAMY MAGDY — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Guinean migrant Osman Touré waits his turn to receive a test for COVID-19 abroad the Geo Barents before disembarka­tion at the port of Augusta, in Sicily, Italy, Wednesday.
SAMY MAGDY — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Guinean migrant Osman Touré waits his turn to receive a test for COVID-19 abroad the Geo Barents before disembarka­tion at the port of Augusta, in Sicily, Italy, Wednesday.

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