Santa Cruz Sentinel

State ignores Newsom conservati­on goal, increases water use

March water use increased 18.9% compared to March 2022; Newsom asked for 15% reduction

- By Paul Rogers

Drought? California­ns apparently don't care.

Last July, Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a drought emergency and asked California­ns to cut urban water use 15% compared to 2020 levels.

But in March, residents instead cranked up the taps, increasing urban water use a staggering 18.9% statewide compared to March 2020 — with even higher levels in Southern California than Northern California, new data released Tuesday shows.

Water experts said Tuesday it might be disaster fatigue, an unusually dry spring, or the lack of statewide mandatory conservati­on standards. But they say the trend is troubling as the drought heads into the hot summer months, with no guarantees it will end next winter or the one after that.

“We just came off the driest January, February and March in recorded history,” said Jeffrey Mount, a professor emeritus at UC Davis and senior fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California's water center. “It was a jaw-droppingly dry three months. People started turning on their sprinklers early. That's where the water went. To their lawns. Pure and simple.”

Cumulative­ly, California­ns have barely moved the needle on conservati­on since Newsom declared the emergency, even as the state heads into its third year of severe drought with reservoirs at low levels. From July through March, households and businesses reduced urban water use statewide by just 3.7% compared to the same time period in 2020, the State Water Resources Control Board said Tuesday.

“Have we hit drought fatigue?” Mount said. “That is worrisome. But people are exhausted. There's a level of social and cultural exhaustion that we are experienci­ng. Letting your lawn go brown is pretty far down the list when you are focusing on COVID and Ukraine and other things.”

State officials sought to put the best face on the numbers.

Joaquin Esquivel, chairman of the state water board, said he expects a turnaround in the coming months as the message sinks in, more local conservati­on rules — including fines — begin to take effect, and California reverts to a more typical weather pattern than occurred in spring.

“It's regrettabl­y not too much of a surprise,” he said.

In recent weeks, some major water agencies have begun to take more steps. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power announced Tuesday that it will allow customers to water lawns just twice a week, and for 8 minutes. The East Bay Municipal Utility District put in place three-daya-week rules, along with an 8% water surcharge, and policies that by this summer will result in the names of its biggest water users being made public.

The Santa Clara Valley Water District is considerin­g plans to hire “water cops” for the first time in its history to write tickets of up to $500 for people who are wasting water.

Meanwhile, the state water board has scheduled a May 24 vote to require local agencies to increase conservati­on, including a ban on watering lawns at office parks and industrial sites.

The lack of conservati­on is becoming a growing political embarrassm­ent for Newsom, whose call for 15% conservati­on so far has been voluntary.

During California's last drought, from 2012 to 2016, former Gov. Jerry Brown at first issued a voluntary call for conservati­on. But when California­ns failed to meet his targets and the drought worsened, Brown issued a 25% mandatory urban water use rule, with targets and fines for agencies that failed to meet them. Some water agencies complained, because they make less money when they sell less water, unless they raise water rates. But Brown achieved the conservati­on target.

Newsom instead chose a local approach, with each agency having flexibilit­y to set their own rules.

At an appearance April 18 at Oroville Dam in Butte County, Newsom said the state has many different local conditions. Some places have more water than others, he said.

“We are working with our partners at the local level to make determinat­ions based on hydrology and the reality in local parts of the state,” Newsom said. “It's not a onesize fits all.”

Newsom added that he did not expect there to be statewide “draconian” rules this year.

After the last drought, some water agencies, particular­ly in Southern California, complained loudly to Brown's office and then Newsom's, that they were being penalized even though they had invested millions of dollars in new local supplies. Many of

those agencies are failing to meet Newsom's 15% conservati­on target.

Overall water use in the Bay Area was up 2.5% in March compared to March 2020. But in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties, it was up 26.9%.

Some water experts say if more reductions aren't achieved, Newsom may have to get tough, like Brown, and threaten local

water agencies with fines if they don't meet conservati­on targets.

“We saw those were effective,” said Heather Cooley, research director for the Pacific Institute, a non-profit water research organizati­on in Oakland.

Of Newsom's locals-decide approach, she added: “It's not clear to me that is going to provide any real savings.”

 ?? SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ?? Anderson Reservoir, near Morgan Hill, shown here on June 30, 2021, has been drained for federally required earthquake upgrades. The loss of storage in the largest reservoir in Santa Clara County is exacerbati­ng water shortages amid the drought.
SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Anderson Reservoir, near Morgan Hill, shown here on June 30, 2021, has been drained for federally required earthquake upgrades. The loss of storage in the largest reservoir in Santa Clara County is exacerbati­ng water shortages amid the drought.

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