Santa Cruz Sentinel

GOP inviting Russia, Iran, North Korea invasions


As the Republican­s were swayed by Hitler and his propaganda to keep America out of World War II for as long as possible so has Trump and his allies in Congress. They use Putin talking points in keeping military aid from reaching the Ukraine. By preventing approval of ammunition and weaponry to this democratic­ally elected government as it suffers continued bombardmen­t by Russia we are not only guaranteei­ng the massive murder and torture of innocent civilians but also inviting Russia, Iran and North Korea to invade other free nations. The isolationi­st movement in the 1930s by America and Great Britain (Neville Chamberlai­n), thanks to Hitler's strategic placement of spies and influence over Republican congressme­n and businessme­n propelled Germany's march through Europe and the Holocaust.

Indeed, Iran witnesses donothing Republican­s in Congress not stepping up to protect democracy, thus, they bomb Israel. Who's next? Poland? Finland? Taiwan? Where has the Republican Party gone? You know, those that stood up to authoritar­ian tyrannies. Their hero, Ronald Reagan must be turning over in his grave. Protect democracie­s!

— Will C. Guilford, Santa Cruz

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