Spanish Market



Jon Sanchez, the 2016 Contempora­ry Hispanic Market poster artist, says that his winning entry, LaMuerte Azul ( The Blue Death), is the second part of a series that focuses on two aspects of the celebratio­n of death. Incidental­ly, the first part of the series, LaMuerte Roja ( The Red Death), took the “First Time Exhibitor” award at Contempora­ry Hispanic Market in 2015, the first year the 39-year-old Albuquerqu­e native participat­ed in the event.

Sanchez says that the azul (blue) version represents the nighttime and the actual act of dying, while the roja (red) version symbolizes resurrecti­on or the afterlife upon death. Sanchez, who during the day is a senior graphic designer with the STEM Collaborat­ive at the University of NewMexico, says LaMuerte Azul is a hand-pulled serigraph that began as a pencil and ink drawing then was screen printed with acrylic ink.

“Everything I screen print I draw from scratch,” say Sanchez, who studied the art form at NewMexico State University in Las Cruces. “I’m kind of the only one (in my family) who does art. I have a very supportive family. Jonito is my artist’s name.”

Sanchez adds that although he has an uncle (Arturo Sanchez) who displays his woodworkin­g pieces at Traditiona­l Spanish Market, he chose CHM because it better suited screen-printing and his preferred style of creating fantasy drawings and science fiction art. He also participat­es in many comic con and wonder con events throughout theWest.

To contact and see more of Jonito’s work, visit www.jonsanchez­

 ??  ?? La Muerte Azul, Jonito Sanchez
La Muerte Azul, Jonito Sanchez

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