Santa Fe New Mexican

Ginsburg honors Scalia

Despite their political difference­s, Supreme Court justices were close

- By Anne Constable

Even lawyers aren’t above gushing over Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who just finished her 23rd year on the U.S. Supreme Court. Before she took the stage Friday at Buffalo Thunder Resort & Casino during the annual meeting of the State Bar of New Mexico, one young man couldn’t stop himself from saying, “I can’t believe I’m drinking coffee in the same room as Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”

And after Ginsburg’s one-hour chat with Roberta Cooper Ramo, a longtime friend, Albuquerqu­e lawyer and first female president of the American Bar Associatio­n, the listeners said things like, “That was worth a drive out,” and “She was an inspiratio­n.”

Ginsburg drew 900-plus people to the large ballroom at Buffalo Thunder, a record for a state bar event. If the attendees were disappoint­ed that Ginsburg, a member of the court’s liberal wing, didn’t lash out at Republican presidenti­al nominee Donald Trump, they didn’t let on.

Ginsburg last month told a New York Times reporter, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplat­e that.” She later apologized, saying a judge “should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office.”

In Santa Fe, she began with a tribute to her friend and fellow opera lover, Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservati­ve who died earlier this year. His absence, she said, was felt during the past term and “will be felt for many terms ahead.”

After reading her dissent in Bush v. Gore, the 2000 decision that gave the presidenti­al election to Republican George W. Bush, Scalia called her chambers on her private line. She was exhausted, she recalled. Instead of saying “get over it,” as he often did when they disagreed, he advised her to go home and take a hot bath.

He was there for her personal crises as well, including when she was battling cancer. She admired his high spirits, quick wit, peppery prose, shopping acumen and that he sent her roses on her birthday, among many other things, Ginsburg said.

Yes, they disagreed on legal questions, but they had affection for each other, and above all, reverence for the Constituti­on and the courts, she said. And she respected him for attacking ideas, not people.

Sitting on the stage on red velvet chairs (the bar provided the diminutive Ginsburg with a stool and special pillows) Ramo turned to questions about the Constituti­on and Ginsburg’s role in expanding legal rights for women throughout her career.

“I was born at the right time and I had the skills of a lawyer,” said 83-year-old Ginsburg.

Ramo asked Ginsburg to talk about the court

since Scalia’s death. “Eight is not a good number,” she said of operating the court without the ninth justice.

The court this year deadlocked 4-4 in four high-profile cases, including one involving the president’s immigratio­n policy and another on jurisdicti­on of tribal courts. All those issues “will likely come before us again,” Ginsburg said.

 ?? CRAIG FRITZ/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, left, speaks with Roberta Cooper Ramo, former president of the American Bar Associatio­n, during a question and answer session for the State Bar of New Mexico’s annual meeting Friday in Pojoaque.
CRAIG FRITZ/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, left, speaks with Roberta Cooper Ramo, former president of the American Bar Associatio­n, during a question and answer session for the State Bar of New Mexico’s annual meeting Friday in Pojoaque.

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