Santa Fe New Mexican

Trump defends rally organizers

A day after condemning hate groups, president again blames ‘both sides’

- By Ashley Parker and David Nakamura

NEW YORK — President Donald Trump delivered a forceful defense Tuesday of the organizers of the white supremacis­t rally in Charlottes­ville, Va., last weekend, reversing course from a more moderate message and returning to his initial contention that “both sides” are to blame for the deadly violence.

In a remarkable show of defiance, Trump insisted during a combative exchange with reporters at Trump Tower in Manhattan that there were “two sides to a story” just a day after he had belatedly condemned racist hate groups for the mayhem that left a woman dead and many other people injured.

Trump — clearly chafing at the political backlash over his handling of the situation and his aides’ attempts to rein him in — appeared eager to cast aspersions on the counterpro­testers, who he said acted “very, very violently” and “came charging with clubs in their hand” at the rally participan­ts.

“Do they have any semblance of guilt?” he asked rhetorical­ly. “Do they have any problem? I think they do.”

The president also made clear that he believes that many of the participan­ts in the Unite the Right rally were taking part in a lawful demonstrat­ion against the

Charlottes­ville city council’s decision to remove a statue of Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee from a public square.

“You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalis­ts, okay?” Trump said. “And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

There were some “fine people” among the counterpro­testers, he added, but also “troublemak­ers” in “black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. … You had a lot of bad people in the other group.”

Trump’s remarks represente­d a rebuke of the broad array of political, civic and cultural leaders who had called on him over the past several days to firmly denounce the hate groups and offer support for the victims of the violence. Under mounting pressure to set a clear moral tone for the nation, he instead lashed out against criticism that he had fanned the flames of racial divisions and, in doing so, failed a crucial test of his presidency.

During the remarks — which caught senior aides watching from the lobby by surprise — Trump appeared far more passionate in defending the rally organizers than he had in his more muted denunciati­on of the Ku Klux Klan and neoNazis a day earlier at the White House, where he read from prepared remarks. Visibly irritated, he parried with reporters and spoke over them, refusing several times to let them cut him off.

Speaking off the cuff, Trump compared Founding Fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to Lee and Gen. Stonewall Jackson, Confederat­e commanders during the Civil War. He suggested that the former presidents might face the same fate and have their memorials removed because they owned slaves.

“You’re changing history,” Trump said. “You’re changing culture.”

Asked if he was putting the left-leaning counterpro­testers on the same moral plane as the white supremacis­ts, he replied: “I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. … There was a group on this side, you can call them the left — you’ve just called them the left — that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.”

Lawmakers from both political parties quickly denounced the president’s remarks, with Republican­s growing more vocal in their criticism than they had been in recent days. In a six-part Twitter message, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida declared the rally organizers to be “100% to blame,” and he pleaded with Trump to hold them accountabl­e.

“Mr. President, you can’t allow #WhiteSupre­macists to share only part of blame,” he wrote. He added: “The #WhiteSupre­macy groups will see being assigned only 50% of blame as a win. We can not allow this old evil to be resurrecte­d.”

But the president’s performanc­e also won raves from white nationalis­t leaders, some of whom had begun to criticize him after he called their groups “repugnant to all we hold dear as Americans” in a statement Monday.

Trump reiterated Tuesday that neo-Nazis and white nationalis­ts should be “totally condemned.” But he spent little time talking about those groups and instead pivoted repeatedly to defending the “alt-right,” a loose coalition of conservati­ve and fringe groups that back a nationalis­t agenda and have been widely criticized as racist and xenophobic.

“What about the alt-left that came charging at the alt-right?” Trump said.

David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, praised the president on Twitter for his “honesty & courage to tell the truth about #Charlottes­ville & condemn the leftist terrorists in BLM/Antifa” — using shorthand for the Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist movements.

The result was that a president whose seven months on the job have been marked by scandal, West Wing infighting and a stalled legislativ­e agenda found himself again on the defensive — at least in part because of his stubbornne­ss and willingnes­s to step on his intended message.

Trump had come down to the Trump Tower lobby to announce a new executive action on infrastruc­ture, hoping to pressure lawmakers on a key agenda item.

The plan was for the president, flanked by Cabinet members, to make a brief announceme­nt and display a complicate­d flow chart of regulatory requiremen­ts for builders that his administra­tion hopes to streamline, said a person familiar with Trump’s schedule. Then, the president would step aside and allow his deputies to answer reporters’ questions about the specifics of the plan.

Instead, Trump began fielding questions. Chief of Staff John Kelly — a former homeland security secretary brought in two weeks ago to help bring order to a chaotic and undiscipli­ned White House — stood on the side looking grimfaced, his head bowed and arms crossed during some of the question-and-answer session.

“People inside the White House are aware the press conference did not go well,” said one Republican operative who is in frequent contact with senior West Wing officials. “Trump had a bad day here.”

It is not clear whether the president would agree. As his approval ratings have plummeted to well below 40 percent, he has moved to appeal directly to his base of hardcore supporters.

On Tuesday morning, he retweeted a doctored cartoon image of a Trump train running into an man with a CNN logo superimpos­ed on his head. The tweet was soon deleted after criticism that it was insensitiv­e in the wake of the death of Heather Heyer, 32, who was killed in Charlottes­ville when a car plowed into a group of counterpro­testers. Prosecutor­s have charged James Alex Fields Jr., 20, of Ohio in the case.

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