Santa Fe New Mexican

City to study clean energy goal

Council approves resolution; mayor says goal only eight years away is ambitious, but achievable

- By Tripp Stelnicki

Santa Fe Mayor Javier Gonzales’ push for 100 percent renewable energy use by the city government within the next decade passed the City Council unanimousl­y this week amid a conversati­on about how consolidat­ing municipal facilities might help achieve that goal.

Under Gonzales’ resolution, approved Wednesday night, City Manager Brian Snyder will study how the city might overhaul its energy portfolio and move to only nonpolluti­ng energy sources by 2025.

A quarter of the city’s energy now comes from renewable sources, primarily solar installati­ons on municipal buildings.

The rest of the power for city facilities comes from the Public Service Company of New Mexico.

Moving away from fossil fuels would place Santa Fe in a class with an increasing number of “green” municipali­ties nationwide. Already, five U.S. city government­s consume only renewable energy, according to the Sierra Club, an environmen­tal advocacy group, and many more have committed to reaching that target in coming decades.

Gonzales also introduced a resolution this week that would amend the city’s investment policy to ensure that its fiscal agent, Wells Fargo, does not put any city funds into fossil fuels.

Gonzales has acknowledg­ed that the proposed eight-year time frame to reach the goal of 100 percent renewable energy is ambitious, but he believes it is achievable, given improvemen­ts in solar technology. The city now spends between $5.5 million and $6 million each year on energy costs, he said.

Councilor Mike Harris on Wednesday wanted to know whether the study would consider a consolidat­ion of city facilities as a means of bringing down that number.

“We’re scattered in at least five different facilities, depending on how you count,” Harris said. “Whether it’s energy, personnel — there’s a number of inefficien­cies associated with the way we’re organized.”

Gonzales said consolidat­ion would be a key considerat­ion. Retrofitti­ng existing city facilities to be more energy efficient is cost-prohibitiv­e, he said.

The study “opens up the door for the manager and public works director to present a smarter option in how we think about the long-term use of city facilities,” Gonzales said.

Snyder said he had already begun discussing a possible consolidat­ion of city buildings with staff and that he would incorporat­e into the study those ideas of how the city could economize its spaces.

Harris, mentioning the resolution’s requiremen­t that the study be complete within 90 days, seemed concerned that the time frame was too tight to adequately address what would be such a consequent­ial undertakin­g.

Snyder said he would not present a finalized plan for city actions but rather recommenda­tions by that 90-day deadline.

Meanwhile, the Sustainabl­e Santa Fe Commission is in the process of composing its 25-year sustainabi­lity plan, an overview of short- and long-term policy recommenda­tions for reducing the city’s carbon output and bolstering green initiative­s.

John Alejandro, city liaison to the advisory commission, said a draft of the plan would be ready by the first week of November.

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