Santa Fe New Mexican

Critics: U.S. long ignored far-right extremists

- By Kimberly Kindy, Sari Horwitz and Devlin Barrett

On June 3, 2014, Attorney General Eric Holder restarted a long-dormant domestic terrorism task force created after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. A former Ku Klux Klan leader had just murdered three people near a Jewish Community Center in a Kansas City suburb and yelled “Heil Hitler” as police took him into custody.

For too long, Holder said, the federal government had narrowly focused on Islamist threats and had lost sight of the “continued danger we face” from violent farright extremists.

But three years later, it is unclear what, if anything the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee has done, despite expectatio­ns that its reanimatio­n would better focus efforts throughout the Justice Department to disrupt and detect plots in a more centralize­d way, as was already being done by the department and FBI when it came to hunting Islamist terrorists.

As President Donald Trump continues to suffer political backlash for his response to the deadly Charlottes­ville, Va., protests led by white supremacis­ts, analysts who follow far-right groups say generation­s of neglect by multiple administra­tions has allowed them to proliferat­e and strengthen.

“The federal government has taken their eye off the ball, and it has allowed the far right to fester and grow for decades,” said Heidi Beirich, who leads the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligen­ce Project and runs its Hatewatch blog. “They are a real threat that has been underestim­ated.”

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, the domestic terrorism task force was due to convene for a regular meeting. It never happened, and the group remained dormant for more than a decade.

The 9/11 attacks were transforma­tive for the federal government, nowhere more so than at the Justice Department and the FBI. The agencies made counterter­rorism their chief concern, pouring billions of dollars into the effort to sniff out terrorist plots before they could be executed.

The FBI’s aggressive and preventive posture meant terrorism dominated the Justice Department’s agenda, but when they talked about plots, officials were focused on those inspired by radical Islamist ideologies, not anti-government or hate groups.

But far-right violence remained a significan­t issue. Since 9/11, there have been 95 deaths in the United States linked to Islamist militant violence, while 68 people have died at the hands of the far right during the same time, according to the nonpartisa­n think tank New America.

Just months before 32-year-old Heather Heyer was killed and 19 others were injured in Charlottes­ville, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a joint intelligen­ce bulletin that said white supremacis­ts “were responsibl­e for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016 … more than any other domestic extremist movement.”

Federal authoritie­s are also dealing with an emerging problem from an increasing­ly confrontat­ional and sometimes violent leftist extremist group known as antifa. Homeland Security officials said members of the loosely organized group are “antifascis­t, anti-government extremists.” And their membership and demonstrat­ions have spiked in recent months in response to activities organized by violent white supremacis­ts, such as the Charlottes­ville rally. But most of the money and manpower to combat terrorism — even under the Obama administra­tion after Holder warned of the danger of far-right extremism — has centered on preventing threats posed by Islamist extremists.

“They never really focused on neo-Nazis and the far right,” said Seamus Hughes, a former lead staffer at the National Counterter­rorism Center and deputy director at George Washington University’s program on extremism. “The Obama administra­tion was very good at messaging, but if you actually looked at their programs, it was always a secondary thought.”

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