Santa Fe New Mexican

The past 100 years


From The Santa Fe New Mexican:

Sept. 21, 1917: In the center of the plaza at Santa Fe there is a monument erected by the legislatur­es of New Mexico of 1866, 1867, 1868, to the heroes who have fallen in the various battles with savage Indians in the territory of New Mexico and to the heroes of the Federal army who fought and fell in the battles of Canon del Apache and Bishop’s Rancho, March 28, 1862, and in the battle of Peralta, April 15, 1862, and in the battle of Valverde, February 21, 1862.

It is the plan of the Patriotic committee of the Santa Fe branch of the Council of Defense of New Mexico to place on this monument a bulletin hosting the names of all those man in Santa Fe now in the service of their country; and it is suggested by the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Council that this plan be adopted by all the towns and villages of the state of New Mexico.

Sept. 21, 1967: The Legislativ­e Finance Committee, in a letter Wednesday to Gov. David F. Cargo, expressed concern over the state budget and called for either spending cuts or more revenue.

The letter refers to a report from State Finance Director Ed Hartman that a $4.65 million deficit is projected for mid-1969.

Sept. 21, 1992: Equality in education is a noble goal, but some people say it is far from a reality within Santa Fe Public Schools or in the rest of New Mexico.

And local parental attempts at a solution may be making the problem worse.

In the last few years, parentteac­her organizati­ons in Santa Fe elementary schools have taken it upon themselves to raise money for programs that have suffered severe cuts at the local level.

The potential problem is that some schools can afford to do significan­tly more than others — a situation which has thrown off the balance of programs offered across the district.

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