Santa Fe New Mexican

Pentagon testing tech to fight ISIS drones

Terrorists’ success in turning devices into deadly weapons presents challenges for U.S.

- By Eric Schmitt

WASHINGTON — At the vast, windswept White Sands Missile Range in Southern New Mexico earlier this year, nearly a dozen military contractor­s armed with laser guns, high-tech nets and other experiment­al systems met to tackle one of the Pentagon’s most vexing counterter­rorism conundrums: how to destroy the Islamic State’s increasing­ly lethal fleet of drones.

The militant group has used surveillan­ce drones on the battlefiel­d for more than two years. But an increase in deadly attacks since last fall — mostly targeting Iraqi troops and Syrian militia members with small bombs or grenades, but also threatenin­g U.S. advisers — has highlighte­d the terrorists’ success in adapting off-the-shelf, low-cost technology into an effective new weapon.

The Pentagon is so alarmed by this growing threat — even as it routs the Islamic State from its stronghold­s in Mosul, Iraq, and Raqqa, Syria — that it has launched a $700 million crash program overseen by two senior Army generals to draw on the collective know-how and resources of all branches of the armed services, Silicon Valley and defense industry giants like Boeing and Raytheon to devise tactics and technology to thwart the menace.

One important piece of that effort was the contest in New Mexico. It amounted to a Pentagon counter-drone bake-off, called the Hard Kill Challenge, to see which new classified technologi­es and tactics proved most promising. The results were decidedly mixed, and underscore the longterm problem confrontin­g the Pentagon and its allies as it combats the Islamic State and al-Qaida in a growing number of hot spots around the world beyond Iraq and Syria, including Yemen and Libya.

“Threat targets were very resilient against damage,” the Pentagon agency assigned to help crack the problem, the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organizati­on, said in response to questions from The New York Times about how the contractor­s fared against mock enemy drones. “Bottom line: Most technologi­es still immature.” The agency said some of the technology might work well with “adjustment­s and further developmen­t.”

In the meantime, the Pentagon has rushed dozens of technical specialist­s to Iraq, Syria and Afghanista­n to help protect U.S. troops and to train and, in some cases, equip local allies against the drone threat, which has killed more than a dozen Iraqi soldiers and wounded more than 50. The aircraft, some as small as model airplanes, conduct reconnaiss­ance missions to help Islamic State fighters attack U.S.-backed ground forces. Other drones drop bombs or are rigged with explosives to detonate on the ground.

“These things are really small and hard to detect, and if they swarm in groups, they can overload our ability to knock them all down,” said J.D. Johnson, a retired three-star Army general who previously commanded the threatdefe­at agency, and now heads Army programs for Raytheon. “The threat is very resilient and well-resourced, and we have to be looking one or two moves ahead to defeat it.”

U.S. troops are using an array of jammers, cannons and other devices to disrupt, disable or destroy the enemy drones, often quadcopter­s rigged with explosives. And the military has increased airstrikes against Islamic State drones on the ground, their launch sites and their operators.

“This isn’t just an Iraq and Syria problem; it’s a regional and global problem,” Lt. Gen. Michael Shields, director of the threatdefe­at organizati­on and one of the two generals overseeing the effort, said in a telephone interview. “These are airborne IEDs,” meaning improvised explosive devices.

Indeed, the drone threat is going global. Iranian drones have buzzed U.S. Navy ships more than a dozen times in the Persian Gulf this year. In Europe, U.S. and allied soldiers accustomed to operating from large, secure bases in Iraq and Afghanista­n now practice using camouflage netting to disguise their positions and dispersing into smaller groups to avoid sophistica­ted Russian surveillan­ce drones that could potentiall­y direct rocket or missile attacks against personnel or command posts.

In the United States, authoritie­s voice increasing concerns about possible Islamic Stateinspi­red drone attacks against dams, nuclear power plants and other critical infrastruc­ture. Over the summer, the Pentagon issued classified guidance to base commanders around the country to warn local communitie­s to keep commercial drone hobbyists away from installati­ons.

Earlier this month, an Arabic publicatio­n offered guidance from the Islamic State to its followers on how to evade U.S. drones. This past week, the Islamic State released through its Amaq news agency a video of an operation in which its fighters tracked what it identified as a Syrian news media vehicle and then dropped a munition on it.

“There’s a DIY aspect to this,” said Don Rassler, a researcher at the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, which has studied Islamic State drones.

The peak of the threat came this spring during the fight to wrest Mosul from Islamic State control in northern Iraq, military officials said. Since then, the military has repeatedly attacked Islamic State drones in the air and on the ground. Earlier this month, the Pentagon said it had killed Junaid ur Rehman, a senior Islamic State drone pilot trainer and engineer, in an airstrike near Mayadin, Syria, south of Raqqa.

“We are destroying their launch points, we’re killing their engineers, we’re dismantlin­g their manufactur­ing facilities and their users,” said Col. Ryan Dillon, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Iraq.

In Washington, however, Pentagon officials worry about the rapid spread of armed drones to other conflict zones, where the United States and its local partners may be less prepared to confront the threat. In February, the Defense Department created a special task force headed by Lt. Gen. Anthony R. Ierardi, a top officer on the military’s Joint Staff, to coordinate a Pentagon-wide counter-drone campaign along with Shields.

“These are learning experience­s, and the adversary will adapt,” said Ierardi, who added that the Pentagon’s $700 million effort was likely to grow in the next few years.

Some of that money will go to help organize events like the Hard Kill Challenge in New Mexico, where major defense contractor­s including Boeing and BAE Systems, as well as much smaller specialty technology companies, participat­ed in a fiveday competitio­n that extended longer for some firms.

Organizers said they were searching for technologi­es that could defeat enemy drones with “a fly-swatter approach.” Contestant­s had to destroy or disable 30 drones flying more than 250 yards away. A total of 10 systems competed, including four high-energy laser weapons and an attack drone that carried a big net to capture hostile drones, military officials said.

Military officials and contractor­s balked at talking about details of the technology involved, much of which is both classified and proprietar­y.

Shields declined to provide specific details about the result of the shootout, other than to say, “What we learned is there are limitation­s with various technology.” The Islamic State, he noted, “is an adaptive enemy. They have access to talent, resources and a global supply chain.”

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