Santa Fe New Mexican

First indictment­s send message to Trump

- By Peter Baker

SWASHINGTO­N hortly after his former campaign chairman marched into an FBI office to face criminal charges Monday, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to dismiss their relevance: “There is NO COLLUSION!”

Yet even as his message went out to more than 41 million followers, news emerged that authoritie­s were unsealing another case that described how a young foreign policy adviser spent months seeking to connect Trump’s campaign with Russians offering “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. The first charges filed by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, did not implicate Trump but collective­ly amounted to a political body blow to a president who has spent months insisting that Mueller’s investigat­ion was nothing more than a “witch hunt” based on a “hoax” invented by Democrats and the news media.

The indictment of Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman, suggested that the president’s top lieutenant for part of last year was a highly paid agent for pro-Russian foreign interests. And the guilty plea extracted from George Papadopoul­os, the foreign policy adviser, confirmed the second known attempt by Trump’s team to tap Moscow for damaging informa-

tion on Clinton, coming months before his son Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer for the same purpose.

The legal action propelled the special counsel investigat­ion into a new and more dangerous phase for Trump, who had hoped to spend this week focused on his appointmen­t of a new Federal Reserve chairman, the introducti­on of his tax-cutting legislatio­n and the start of a 12-day trip to Asia.

“It’s obviously a big-deal day. These are big-deal developmen­ts,” said John Q. Barrett, who served as associate independen­t counsel during the Iran-Contra investigat­ion.

Inside the White House, the mood changed drasticall­y throughout the morning. Although Manafort was the first president’s former campaign chief indicted since John N. Mitchell during Watergate, aides to Trump felt momentaril­y relieved that it had largely tracked their expectatio­ns and did not include any surprise allegation­s involving the campaign.

But then, just as Trump tweeted that the charges involved actions that took place “before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign,” the news about Papadopoul­os stunned and alarmed White House aides.

Trump said nothing more publicly through the day and left it to his advisers to argue that the cases did not impugn him because Manafort’s actions were unrelated to his campaign service while Papadopoul­os was just a volunteer whose efforts to set up meetings with higherrank­ing officials were unrealized and who pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents, not to illegal campaign activity.

“Today’s announceme­nt has nothing to do with the president, has nothing to do with the president’s campaign or campaign activity,” said Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary. She added, “We’ve been saying from Day 1 there has been no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, and nothing in the indictment today changes that at all.”

Jay Sekulow, a private lawyer for Trump, said the president and his legal team were not worried about the indictment­s. “No, not concerned,” Sekulow said on CNN. “I’m completely convinced, as I was from the outset, that not only was there no Russian collusion, there was no obstructio­n.” He added, “I’m not concerned about this at all, and no one else is either.”

But lawyers and former prosecutor­s said Papadopoul­os’ admissions and the previously reported meeting involving Trump Jr. already undercut such denials.

“Collusion is what Papadopoul­os did. Collusion is what Trump Jr. and others in that meeting did,” Barrett said. “It’s meeting and discussing and seeing what common interests they can advance for each other.”

Both Sanders and Sekulow disputed suggestion­s that Trump might seek to fire Mueller. “There is no intention or plan to make any changes in regards to the special counsel,” Sanders said.

The two also played down the possibilit­y that Trump might pardon Manafort or others caught in the investigat­ion. “I haven’t had a conversati­on with the president about pardons or pardoning individual­s,” Sekulow said. Sanders likewise said that she had not spoken with the president about the possibilit­y of pardons.

In the past, the president has signaled he might dismiss Mueller if the special counsel exceeded what Trump considers the bounds of his investigat­ion. Trump has also publicly noted he has the “complete power to pardon” relatives, aides and possibly even himself in response to the special counsel investigat­ion.

Democrats warned Trump on Monday not to impede Mueller’s investigat­ion.

“The president must not, under any circumstan­ces, interfere with the special counsel’s work in any way,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., the minority leader. “If he does so, Congress must respond swiftly, unequivoca­lly and in a bipartisan way to ensure that the investigat­ion continues.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said the indictment showed that Mueller was “doing his job” and that the process was working. “I’ll continue to support Bob Mueller as he follows the facts — his independen­ce must remain sacrosanct,” she said.

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