Santa Fe New Mexican



How is Season 2 of the “MacGyver” reboot going for you?

Last year when we were doing press, we were talking about a show we hadn’t seen yet, and we really just thought we were making fools of ourselves. This year, though, we know that we’re doing good stuff. Everyone on the production side is just over the moon. It’s a different job now. George (co-star Eads) and I love coming to work. It’s still a hard job, but we like the challenges now ... whereas last year, it could be a little overwhelmi­ng. This year, it’s more fun and the scripts are getting better, and they’re letting us have a little leeway to create things ourselves. It’s just really cool.

With all the stunt work involved, have you come out of the show relatively unscathed so far?

No! On Day One, in Hour One, they wanted me running on the tarmac. They had the neat shoes that looked good, but they were terrible to run in. They were handmade leather shoes, and I ripped the leather, but I also was bleeding. My socks were covered in blood, just from ripping my feet up, and I was chafing on the back of my legs. We got new pants that were stretchier after that, and it was learning-curve stuff. Recently, I was bouncing around in the back of a truck, and I was hitting my knees and my hips and my back. Everything that could go wrong went wrong, and if I’m not coming home hobbling at least twice a week, I’m not doing my job.

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