Santa Fe New Mexican

Tips on how to deal with a toy that can spy on you

- By Joseph Pisani

NEW YORK — The toys your kids unwrap this Christmas could invite hackers into your home.

That Grinch-like warning comes from the FBI, which said earlier this year that toys connected to the internet could be a target for crooks who may listen in on conversati­ons or use them to steal a child’s personal informatio­n.

The bureau did not name any specific toys or brands, but it said any internet-connected toys with microphone­s, cameras or location tracking may put a child’s privacy or safety at risk. That could be a talking doll or a tablet designed for kids.

Security experts said the only way to prevent a hack is to not keep the toy.

But if you decide to let a kid play with it, there are ways to reduce the risks.

Here are some tips:

Research, research, research: Before opening a toy, search for it online and read reviews to see if there are any complaints or past security problems.

If there have been previous issues, you may want to rethink keeping it. Reputable companies also will explain how informatio­n is collected from the toy or device, how that data is stored and who has access to it. Usually that type of informatio­n is found on the company’s website, typically under its privacy policy.

If you can’t find it, call the company. If there isn’t a policy, that’s a bad sign.

Use secure Wi-Fi: Make sure the Wi-Fi the toy will be connected to is secure and has a hard-to-guess password. Weak passwords make it easier for hackers to access devices that use the Wi-Fi network. Never connect the toy to free Wi-Fi that’s open to the public. And if the toy itself allows you to create a password, do it.

Power it off: When the toy is not being used, shut it off or unplug it so it stops collecting data. “They become less of an attractive target,” said Alan Brill, who is a cybersecur­ity and investigat­ions managing director at consulting firm Kroll in Secaucus, N.J.

And if the item has a camera, face it toward a wall or cover it with a piece of tape when it’s not being used. Toys with microphone­s can be thrown in a chest or drawer where it’s harder to hear conversati­ons, Brill said.

Register, but don’t give away info: A software update may fix security holes, and you don’t want to miss that fix, says Brill.

But when registerin­g, be stingy with the informatio­n you hand over; all they need is contact informatio­n to let you know about the update.

Be vigilant: If the toy or device allows kids to chat with other people playing with the same toy or game, explain to children that they can’t give out personal informatio­n, said Liz Brown, a business law professor at Bentley University in Waltham, Mass., who focuses on technology and privacy law.

Discussion­s are not enough: Check the chat section to make sure children aren’t sending things they shouldn’t be, Brown said. People could be pretending to be kids to get personal informatio­n. “It can get creepy pretty fast,” said Brown.

Reputable companies that make toys with microphone­s will offer ways for parents to review and delete stored informatio­n. Take advantage of that.

Report breaches: If a toy was compromise­d by a hacker, the FBI recommends reporting it online through its internet crime complaint center at

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