Santa Fe New Mexican

Support bipartisan­ship and community banks

- Bryan “Chip” Chippeaux is chairman of Century Bank in Santa Fe and chairman of the Independen­t Community Bankers Associatio­n of New Mexico. Teresa Molina is president of First New Mexico Bank of Deming and chairwoman-elect of the Independen­t Community Ban

Partisansh­ip has taken hold of our political lives from Washington, D.C., to here in New Mexico, contributi­ng to gridlock in the nation’s capital and more than likely a few awkward holiday meals with family and friends. Despite all the political ill will, there appears to be one issue that Republican­s and Democrats can agree on in the new year — promoting local economic growth through our nation’s community banks.

At a time of political polarizati­on, it was encouragin­g to learn that the Senate Banking Committee last month accomplish­ed something rare — passing a bill developed by Republican­s and Democrats on a bipartisan basis. Designed to tailor financial services regulation­s to ease the burden of red tape on locally based community banks like those across New Mexico, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act passed with support from senators from both parties and can now head to the Senate floor for a vote.

This legislatio­n represents the best opportunit­y for Congress to support local communitie­s by advancing meaningful reforms for the community banking sector. Following seven years of congressio­nal hearings, every provision in the multi-pronged bill has already passed a House or Senate committee by a bipartisan vote as stand-alone legislatio­n.

Since the financial crisis, members of both political parties have lamented the decline in the number of community banks around the nation. Now is the time for them to stand up for their communitie­s and support the institutio­ns like ours that make a meaningful impact every day. Members of Congress who truly believe in helping the community banking sector will support this legislatio­n.

The bill has broad support for good reason. Regulatory burdens are plaguing locally based community banks, which provide nearly half of the banking industry’s small-business loans despite making up less than 20 percent of its assets. Despite their low financial risk and high economic reward, Main Street community banks suffer from an onslaught of regulation­s — exacerbate­d by Washington’s response to the 2008 Wall Street financial crisis — that is limiting the nation’s economic growth.

By reforming complex regulation­s on community bank mortgage lending and capital requiremen­ts while focusing oversight on the risky financial firms that caused the crisis, Congress can promote true community-based growth that extends beyond stock market gains and shareholde­r dividends. For instance, the bill would exempt many community banks from stringent new datareport­ing requiremen­ts on mortgage loans, freeing lenders to focus on the borrower’s needs instead of regulatory paperwork.

The only question is whether the bill can remain focused on community banks to maintain its broad backing. The bipartisan allies on the Senate Banking Committee wisely resisted any changes to the bill to keep it focused on community banks, and lawmakers will need to continue to counter attempts by the largest banks to extend the scope of relief to Wall Street. We cannot let the largest and riskiest megabanks jeopardize these policies. All U.S. senators from both parties —including our own Sens. Tom Udall, D-N.M., and Martin Heinrich, D-N.M. — should sign on and fight for this vitally important legislatio­n.

These recent events have shown there is broad support for commonsens­e financial reforms despite our acrimoniou­s political environmen­t. Now all members of Congress should seize on this common ground to achieve a rare bipartisan show of unity that will help local communitie­s across New Mexico thrive.

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