Santa Fe New Mexican

House GOP finds ‘no evidence of collusion’

Democrats, who had no input in the intelligen­ce committee report, vow to continue investigat­ing

- By Karoun Demirjian

WASHINGTON — House Intelligen­ce Committee Republican­s say they have found no evidence that President Donald Trump and his affiliates colluded with Russian officials to sway the 2016 election or that the Kremlin sought to help him, a conclusion at odds with Democrats’ takeaways from the congressio­nal panel’s yearlong probe and the apparent trajectory of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion.

The findings are part of a 150-page draft report that Rep. Michael Conaway, R-Texas, who oversees the committee’s Russia probe, announced on Monday. It will probably be weeks before the document is made public.

“We’ve found no evidence of collusion,” Conaway told reporters Monday. He noted that the worst the panel uncovered was “perhaps some bad judgment, inappropri­ate meetings, inappropri­ate judgment at taking meetings” — such as a June 2016 gathering at Trump Tower in New York City between members of the Trump campaign and a Russian lawyer. Conaway said that meeting “shouldn’t have happened, no doubt about that.”

“But only Tom Clancy or Vince Flynn or someone else like that could take this series of inadverten­t contacts with each other, meetings, whatever, and weave that into some sort of a fiction, page-turner spy thriller,” Conaway said. “We’re not dealing in fiction, we’re dealing in facts, and we found no evidence of any collusion.”

House Intelligen­ce Committee Republican­s completed the draft report without any input from Democrats, who will be able to see and weigh in on the document starting Tuesday, Conaway said.

In a statement Monday night, the panel’s top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff, Calif., said the sight-unseen report was a “tragic milestone”

and a “capitulati­on to the executive branch.”

The committee has been crippled by partisan division for months, as GOP members accused Democrats of trying to malign Trump without adequate evidence and Democrats accused the GOP of trying to undermine Mueller’s investigat­ion.

Schiff argued last month that there was “ample evidence” of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, and in recent weeks, Mueller’s probe has been gathering evidence that an early 2017 meeting in Seychelles was an effort to establish a back channel between the incoming administra­tion and the Kremlin.

On Monday, Schiff excoriated House Republican­s for ending the panel’s probe before Mueller’s team or the other congressio­nal panels looking at Russian interferen­ce have finished their work.

Schiff predicted that “Republican­s will be held accountabl­e for abandoning a critical investigat­ion of such vital national importance” if new informatio­n arises from future indictment­s and other reports.

Conaway dismissed the idea of keeping the investigat­ion open any longer, saying that if Democrats expected him to “sit around and wait with the expectatio­n that something might happen,” his answer was “no.”

“We think we have the evidence that we need now to come to the conclusion that we came to,” Conaway said, adding that if compelling informatio­n surfaces down the line, he would consider reopening the probe.

Conclusion­s reached by the Republican­s in their draft report represent a break with the U.S. intelligen­ce community, which determined in January 2017 that part of the Kremlin’s strategy was to help Trump’s chances of winning. Conaway said the panel would release a “separate report on the analytical integrity” of the intelligen­ce community’s conclusion­s in the weeks ahead — though he said the panel agreed with the determinat­ion that Russia used “active measures” to affect the 2016 election season.

Democrats and Republican­s on the committee have interviewe­d the same 73 witnesses and viewed the same 300,000-plus documents, according to a tally Republican­s released Monday. Democrats say there are thousands more pages of documents the committee never procured and dozens more witnesses they need to call for interviews — including several they say need to be subpoenaed for testimony after refusing to fully answer the panel’s questions.

But Conaway argued against using subpoenas or contempt citations to compel more testimony from witnesses who refused to answer questions about their time in the administra­tion, arguing that Trump might want to invoke executive privilege.

“You use subpoenas when you think you can actually get something from them, and we’re not particular­ly confident that the subpoena process will get us any more informatio­n than we had,” Conaway said. “We’ve interviewe­d everyone we think we need to interview.”

Among those Conaway listed as unlikely to answer additional questions from the panel are Trump supporter and Blackwater security group founder Erik Prince. Democrats want to determine whether Prince lied to the panel about his meeting with a Kremlin representa­tive in the Seychelles in January 2017.

They’ve also been frustrated with former White House strategist Steve Bannon.

Despite signals the committee would seek to hold him in contempt for refusing to answer questions related to the Trump administra­tion and the transition period, that now appears unlikely.

Instead, Conaway said, the committee would continue to investigat­e allegation­s of surveillan­ce abuse the GOP highlighte­d in a controvers­ial memo earlier this year. The panel also would continue to examine allegation­s of “unmasking,” he added, noting claims that the Obama administra­tion improperly revealed the names of people and corporatio­ns in surveillan­ce reports. Democrats have objected to both investigat­ions.

“Even while they close down the Russia investigat­ion, they plan to continue trying to put our own government on trial,” Schiff said. “This is a great service to the President, and a profound disservice to the country.”

Schiff said the panel’s Democrats would continue aspects of the investigat­ion “with or without the active participat­ion of the majority.”

Conaway stressed that the GOP’s draft report was not final and he would seek to incorporat­e Democrats’ suggestion­s before turning it over to the intelligen­ce community for redactions, but Democrats are expected to release a separate report.

GOP leaders argued that the committee could not wait any longer to release its findings without doing a disservice to the public.

“After more than a year investigat­ing Russia’s actions in the 2016 election, we are well into the primary season for the 2018 elections, and experts are warning that we need to safeguard against further interferen­ce,” said AshLee Strong, a spokeswoma­n for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. “That’s what this next phase is about, and we hope Democrats will join us in seeing this through.”

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