Santa Fe New Mexican

The past 100 years


From The Santa Fe New Mexican: March 22, 1918: The Madrid public school is setting a pace for the other schools of Santa Fe County, all of which are making an effort to do effective war work. A Junior Red Cross League has been organized at Madrid, according to the report of Miss [G.] the principal, to the county superinten­dent, Mrs. Otero-Warren.

March 22, 1968: “I’m very disappoint­ed that he’s not running,” said Gov. David F. Cargo today at Nelson Rockefelle­r’s decision not to seek the Republican presidenti­al nomination. “I think it would have been very helpful for the Republican party to have a contest,” he added. “It’s not very meaningful for Richard Nixon to defeat Harold Stassen in four straight contests.”

Stassen, one-time boy wonder of the GOP, is an inevitable — and inevitably unsuccessf­ul — candidate for the presidency . ...

Appointmen­t of Jack Sitton, secretary-manager of the New Mexico Press Associatio­n and former editor of the Carlsbad Current-Argus as editor of The New Mexican, was announced here, this morning by Robert McKinney, publisher. Sitton returned to Santa Fe, his former home, to assume his duties today.

March 23, 1993: Two former Santa Fe women were kissed, fondled and caressed by Archbishop Robert Sanchez during relationsh­ips that began when they were 18 and lasted several years, the women told a 60 Minutes interviewe­r.

One of the women compared the relationsh­ip to incest. … The program, reported by Mike Wallace, tied the archbishop’s own sexual activity to his failure to take action against priests in the Archdioces­e of Santa Fe who were sexually abusing children in their parishes. Victims interviewe­d on the show said the archbishop knew about the sexual abuses of other priests in the archdioces­e but took no action to stop it or warn church members about the activities.

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