Santa Fe New Mexican

Speaker expected to seek re-election

- By Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — Paul Ryan’s future as House speaker has been such a topic of speculatio­n that even the simple question of whether he will seek re-election to his Wisconsin seat remains secret.

Ryan says he’s still deciding. But a person familiar with Ryan’s thinking told The Associated Press this week the speaker plans to file campaign paperwork and intends to win his seat.

To do so, the Republican would have to fend off primary challenger­s, including one styled after President Donald Trump, and Democrats are fired up about a union ironworker, Randy Bryce, who goes by the Twitter moniker “Iron Stache.”

If Ryan emerges victorious, even those closest to him aren’t certain he’ll stay in Congress, particular­ly if Republican­s lose their House majority. Asked whether Ryan would serve in the minority, the person who discussed his re-election plans would not say.

The person was not authorized to discuss Ryan’s plans and spoke on condition of anonymity. Ryan’s political spokesman Jeremy Adler said Thursday, “The speaker speaks for himself on this topic, and there is no update to his last public comments.”

Washington has been guessing about Ryan’s next step, with reports rising to a minor frenzy as allies seek to dispel any notion of a lame-duck speaker, which would be damaging to fundraisin­g and to governing.

Some Republican­s speculate that Ryan’s work in Congress is complete now that he’s accomplish­ed his career goal of ushering tax cuts into law. Even if Republican­s keep control of the House, it’s doubtful he could achieve much more as speaker, a job he never wanted in the first place, especially with an unreliable partner in Trump.

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