Santa Fe New Mexican

CIA pick: Torture is ineffectiv­e

- By Deb Riechmann and Kevin Freking

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s CIA nominee said Wednesday at her confirmati­on hearing that she doesn’t believe torture works as an interrogat­ion technique and that her “strong moral compass” would prevent her from carrying out any presidenti­al order she found objectiona­ble.

Under questionin­g by members of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, acting CIA Director Gina Haspel said she would not permit the spy agency to restart the kind of harsh detention and interrogat­ion program it ran at black sites after Sept. 11. It was one of the darkest chapters of the CIA’s history and tainted America’s image worldwide.

Senators asked how she would respond if Trump — who has said he supports harsh interrogat­ion techniques like waterboard­ing and “a hell of a lot worse” — ordered her to do something she found morally objectiona­ble.

“I would not allow CIA to undertake activity that I thought was immoral, even if it was technicall­y legal,” said Haspel, a 33-year veteran of the agency. “I would absolutely not permit it.”

When asked if she agrees with the president’s assertion that torture works, Haspel said: “I don’t believe that torture works.” She added that she doesn’t think Trump would ask the CIA to resume waterboard­ing, which simulates drowning.

She faces what will likely be a close confirmati­on vote in the full Senate. The CIA director position opened up after Mike Pompeo was named secretary of state. Haspel would be the first female CIA director.

While she has deep experience, her nomination is contentiou­s because she was chief of base of a covert detention site in Thailand where terror suspects were waterboard­ed. There also have been questions about how she drafted a cable that her boss used to order the destructio­n of videotapes of interrogat­ion sessions conducted at the site.

Protesters disrupted the hearing shouting, “Prosecute the torturers!” and “Bloody Gina!” Haspel remained stone-faced as police escorted them out of the room.

“I realize that there are strong disagreeme­nts on the effectiven­ess of the CIA’s detention and interrogat­ion program,” Haspel wrote in answers to more than 100 questions submitted by committee members and released at her hearing.

“In my view — a view shared by all nine former directors and acting directors — the CIA was able to collect valuable intelligen­ce that contribute­d to the prevention of further terrorist attacks. That said, it is impossible to know whether the CIA could have obtained the same informatio­n in another way,” she wrote.

She also said there is little question that the program harmed CIA officers who participat­ed and that it damaged U.S. relations with allies.

Being in the public spotlight is new for Haspel. She spent more than 30 years working undercover, acquiring secret informatio­n from dead drops and at meetings in dusty back alleys of third-world capitals.

Still, the 61-year-old intelligen­ce profession­al portrayed herself as a “typical middle-class American” with a “strong sense of right and wrong.”

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Gina Haspel

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