Santa Fe New Mexican

Ari Graynor



Had you tried stand-up comedy prior to your role as Cassie on “I’m Dying Up Here”?

I did a bit. You know, I come from theater so I’ve done a lot of comedy on stage. Of course, that is a wildly different than standing nakedly on stage by yourself with a microphone sharing yourself. There is no character to hide behind. So that was a very different experience for me. I felt like I had some handle on how to sell a joke, but in terms of that really raw experience of just being yourself talking to an audience, that was not my comfort zone. I ended up doing a couple of open mikes just to know that I could do it, to give it a try to see how terrifying it was, and I’m really glad I did. And this whole process of being part of the show has given me such a different outlook on stand-up and such a deep respect for the work that people do up there that is so layered and so multifacet­ed.

Did you pick up things from the stand-ups on the show?

Yeah, absolutely. I think last season especially there was a lot of stuff together, there was a lot of stuff in the club, there was a lot of focus on the stand-up, on the stand-up we were doing, on where the stand-up was getting us, which rooms we were doing it in, and that was a really formative time and experience with all of those guys. You know, it was like osmosis and wanting to learn and play catch-up, and I think there’s this sort of interestin­g dynamic of primarily actors on one side and primarily comics on the other and this meeting point in the middle where the actors are becoming comics a little bit and comics are leaning into being actors. So I think we were all sort of learning from each other.

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