Santa Fe New Mexican

Plan for pets during emergency


Lack of precipitat­ion this winter and ongoing severe drought have made many areas in New Mexico a tinderbox this spring.

Emergency responders say the best strategy for any disaster is to prepare for the unexpected.

Animal-welfare advocates offer tips to help make sure all your pets are safe.

If you evacuate, take your pet with you. Most emergency shelters do not allow animals, so it’s best to have a plan. Safe places to take your pet may include homes of friends or relatives, pet-friendly hotels, kennels or veterinary facilities.

Choose a designated caregiver, such as a neighbor, friend or relative to care for your pet in the event that you are unable to do so.

Affix a rescue alert sticker to the front of your residence. The sticker should include the types and number of pets in your house and vet informatio­n.

Ensure pet wears a collar with a rabies tag. Consult your veterinari­an or the shelter about permanent identifica­tion, such as microchipp­ing, or registrati­on with a pet-recovery database. Assemble a pet emergency kit, including: Leash, harness and/or pet carrier. One week supply of food, water and bowls. Medication­s and pet first aid kit. Copies of vaccinatio­n, medical records and a photo of you and your pet (for identifica­tion) in a waterproof container. Plastic bags, disinfecta­nts, paper towels. Blankets, toys and treats. Dogs and cats often sense a disaster before it strikes. They may isolate themselves during a severe weather change if they are afraid. The American Red Cross urges pet owners to bring animals inside before a disaster. Never leave a pet outside or tied up during a storm. Other tips:

Have newspapers on hand for sanitary purposes. Feed the animals moist or canned food so they will need to drink less water.

Separate dogs and cats and keep small pets away from dogs and cats. The anxiety of an emergency situation can cause pets to act irrational­ly. Watch your animals closely and keep them leashed for safety.

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