Santa Fe New Mexican

Plan for gun ownership

- DIANNA A. LEWIS Dianna A. Lewis lives in Santa Fe.

Iam the writer who before the last presidenti­al election recommende­d that we give Donald Trump Mississipp­i rather than the presidency (“Forget the presidency: Give Trump Mississipp­i,” My View, Aug. 13).

My plan was to round up and move to Mississipp­i all the people who wanted Trump to lead them, and round up and move from Mississipp­i all those who didn’t.

Then Trump could build a bigly wall around the state separating his domain from the rest of America. You didn’t listen to me.

Now I present a new plan … about guns. I propose that the applicatio­n for gun ownership, to be required universall­y, serve a second purpose: It signs up the applicant for service in the National Guard, thereby addressing the second part of the Second Amendment.

There, the gun owner can have the opportunit­y to shoot regularly at practice ranges. There may even be a purpose for automatic and semi-automatic weapons should the enlistees be called to war. All of these weapons would be stockpiled and protected by the National Guard; none go home with weekend warriors.

For gun owners rejected by the National Guard, I recommend that their weapons be kept at gun storage places.

There, guns can be kept under lock and key with adequate security to ensure that guns aren’t lying about people’s homes just waiting for some troubled person to scoop one up and shoot family, friends and strangers.

The gun storage sites can also provide shooting ranges where those who like to shoot can find targets other than living beings.

The people who use guns to shoot game should retrieve their weapons from the storage place and go out and kill specific game, and the shooter should eat whatever he or she shoots, no exceptions.

Recipes should be available at gun storage places.

Please direct any questions to schoolchil­dren, all of whom have a vested interest in gun laws.

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