Santa Fe New Mexican



Where does your main joy in doing “CBS This Morning” come from? I just love TV. I’m a TV baby. I’ve had a radio job – I love the intimacy of radio – and I’m an editor-at-large at O, The Oprah Magazine, so I’m in the magazine business, too. TV is definitely my first love, though. I love being on it, and I love what it represents. And even though we’re under attack with “fake news” now, I never think that moniker applies to CBS. I’m very proud of what we do here. Do you enjoy the physical set-up of “CBS This Morning,” with its trademark round table? You know, people say it just lends itself to conversati­on, because you can see everybody. You don’t have to turn left or turn right. And the way our studio is, the green room (for waiting guests) is right off the set, so you can see in or out ... and people know exactly what’s going to happen when they come out. I think that’s sort of relaxing to them. What do you think has sustained “CBS This Morning,” particular­ly in recent months? You cannot fake chemistry, you cannot script chemistry. That’s just something that either you have or you don’t. When Charlie (Rose) left, that was of course a big blow to us. We were trying to figure out what to do, and it turned out that the solution was right here all along. I had never thought, “Great, let’s get John Dickerson,” because I thought that he was so wedded to “Face the Nation.” He was so great at it, and when they told me he was interested (in joining “CBS This Morning”), I was surprised. It was like he just slipped right in, and I believe it’s been a seamless transition for us.

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