Santa Fe New Mexican

A unique name causes frustratio­n


Dear Annie: Seventy-one years ago, my father decided to honor his kid brother and heritage by naming me Iaina, the female derivative of Iain (also spelled Ian), and I have had to correct others’ spelling and pronunciat­ion of it ever since. I have not learned how to live with it, and no matter how long I live, I never will. I chose a nickname for this reason, Janie (not Jane), and people get that wrong, too. My first-grade teacher insisted I was misspellin­g and mispronoun­cing my name and “corrected” me on a daily basis.

I was having dinner with a friend of 10 years in a local restaurant this week, and she was chatting with an individual at a table beside us. She introduced me as Jane, and I corrected her and said my name is Janie. She then said my real name is Iaina but mispronoun­ced it and butchered it. I was livid because she has known me for so long and knows how much it bothers me that people mispronoun­ce my name, so I corrected her again.

I do not feel that I am honoring my name or heritage and almost want to stop responding to anyone who calls me by the wrong name when speaking with me or correspond­ing with me. It is not a small thing. How do I get people to understand that it is important to acknowledg­e the correct spelling and pronunciat­ion of everyone’s name? — Janie

Dear Janie: It’s no wonder you’re frustrated. Our names are deeply intertwine­d with our identities. When people don’t make an effort to accurately pronounce your name, it’s as if they’re saying they don’t care who you are. I’m sure that’s rarely, if ever, their intention, but it is nonetheles­s the effect.

Though you shouldn’t have to repeatedly correct people, don’t be shy about doing so. Your friends, of all people, should take the matter seriously, and it sounds as though it’s time for another talk with your friend about how her dismissal of your name amounts to a dismissal of your feelings.

Mainly, I hope your letter is a wake-up call for anyone reading who is guilty of this behavior. When meeting someone new, people should do their best to learn how to say the person’s name correctly. Repeat it back to the person, and ask for clarificat­ion if you have to. Yes, it means putting yourself out there a bit, but it makes the person feel seen, acknowledg­ed and important, and it sets a tone of mutual respect — well worth that extra smidgen of effort.

Dear Annie: I can understand why “Camera-Shy Grandma” doesn’t like to be photograph­ed, but she should consider the fact that her stepdaught­er likes pictures of people who are important to her. My brother was killed in Afghanista­n 10 years ago, and I can’t find a single photo of just the two of us together as adults. What I wouldn’t give for one today! — Kyle C.

Dear Kyle C.: I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. You are 100 percent correct, and my failure to address that angle of the issue was an oversight that I regret. I’d like to amend my earlier response.

Camera-Shy Grandma: Try to grin and bear it for at least a few photos from time to time. You’ll be giving her family a gift for the future. Don’t worry so much about your appearance, either. To them, you’ll always just look like beloved, beautiful Grandma. Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.

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