Santa Fe New Mexican

Tribe’s lone survivor is healthy, working

Man has lived on his own in Brazilian Amazon since 1990s

- By Ernesto Londoño

RIO DE JANEIRO — The lone survivor of an isolated tribe in the Brazilian Amazon, monitored and assisted from afar by the government for decades, looks healthy in a rare new video released this week, which shows him swinging an ax at a tree.

Anthropolo­gists say the man, who is believed to be in his 50s, has lived on his own in the jungle in Rondônia state since other members of his tribe died in the 1990s, probably killed by ranchers.

He has become a symbol of the resilience of the more than 100 isolated communitie­s estimated to survive in remote parts of Brazil, under pressure as farmers, miners and loggers push further into the Amazon jungle.

The National Indian Foundation, or FUNAI, a government agency that supports indigenous communitie­s, tried to establish contact with the man a few times, starting in 1996. But he has responded to outsiders with hostility. In 2005, he wounded a FUNAI official by firing an arrow.

Since then, the government has chosen to help the mysterious man from afar, leaving tools and seeds for him to grow crops, and seeking to keep invaders from his habitat, which is a protected indigenous territory.

FUNAI recorded the man at a distance in the new video. Videos such as these are made to justify the legal and regulatory protection­s that are extended to indigenous territorie­s.

Altair Algayer, a FUNAI official who has been involved in monitoring the man and safeguardi­ng his territory, said he has marveled at the survivor’s determinat­ion.

“This man, who is a mystery to us, has lost everything: his people, a series of cultural practices,” Algayer said in a statement. “Yet, he has proven that, despite being all alone in the jungle, it’s possible to survive and resist joining mainstream society.”

For decades, anthropolo­gists and indigenous activists have debated whether they should seek to establish contact with isolated tribes to vaccinate them against diseases that could quickly wipe out isolated communitie­s.

This man, who is a mystery to us, has lost everything: his people, a series of cultural practices . ... Yet, he has proven that, despite being all alone in the jungle, it’s possible to survive and resist joining mainstream society.” Altair Algayer, official for Brazil’s National Indian Foundation

Since the late 1980s, the Brazilian government has sought to contact isolated tribes only if it believes they are in imminent danger.

Experts say protecting isolated tribes is ever more challengin­g.

“The problem is that there are no empty spaces in the Amazon,” said José Carlos Meirelles, a former FUNAI official who has been working with isolated tribes since 1971. “You fly over it and see all that forest, but down there, it’s full of people — drug dealers, illegal loggers and others.”

Fiona Watson, the research and advocacy director at Survival Internatio­nal, a group that advocates for the protection of isolated communitie­s, said she hopes the new video will bolster efforts to shield indigenous territorie­s.

“He looks healthy, which is very encouragin­g,” she said. “He has survived this long in a very violent frontier region of the Amazon.”

Budget cuts have forced FUNAI to shut down monitoring posts in remote areas, and its installati­ons have come under attack as miners and loggers have forged deeper into the Amazon. The post responsibl­e for monitoring the lone survivor was ransacked in 2009.

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