Santa Fe New Mexican

Trump lawyers downplay tweet telling AG to halt probe

Attorneys say president not ordering Sessions, just venting

- By Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Eileen Sullivan and Katie Benner

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday to end the special counsel’s inquiry into Russia’s interferen­ce in the 2016 election, issuing a strikingly unambiguou­s directive on Twitter to shut down an investigat­ion that even now is scrutinizi­ng his tweets for possible evidence of obstructio­n.

The White House and Trump’s lawyers moved quickly to minimize the president’s statement, dismissing it as merely a case of venting and opining by a president who has grown increasing­ly angry and frustrated with an investigat­ion he considers illegitima­te — and not a direct order to a Cabinet secretary to interfere with an ongoing federal law enforcemen­t matter.

But in saying that Sessions, the nation’s top law enforcemen­t official, should take specific action to terminate the investigat­ion, the tweet crossed a line that Trump has until now, by design or otherwise, never explicitly crossed. It immediatel­y raised more questions about whether Trump was attempting to obstruct justice, already an issue being examined extensivel­y by Robert Mueller, the special counsel leading the investigat­ion.

The trial of Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, which entered its second day Tuesday, has made the stakes of Mueller’s investigat­ion increasing­ly clear. And even as Trump was calling for the investigat­ion

to be ended, it was revealed that he had pushed his lawyers to make another attempt to reach an agreement to sit for an interview, an objective the president has long sought because of his belief that he can convince Mueller of his version of events.

But the morning tweet signified a new chapter in a remarkable, but by now familiar, public feud between the president and Sessions, the product of Trump’s rage and sense of betrayal at his attorney general for recusing himself from the Russia inquiry, which has made it impossible for him to control an investigat­ion that Trump sees as an existentia­l threat that undercuts his legitimacy.

“This is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further,” Trump wrote in a morning tweet. “Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!”

It was an escalation even for Trump, who has long since discarded the traditiona­l distance presidents have sought to maintain between themselves and open Justice Department investigat­ions. Instead, Trump has repeatedly sought to undercut and delegitimi­ze the Russia inquiry and those working on it, and has been outspoken about his rage and irritation with the investigat­ion, much of it directed toward Sessions personally.

Trump has said he never would have made Sessions his attorney general if he had known Sessions would recuse himself from the inquiry, and that the very fact that Mueller’s inquiry still exists is “all because” Sessions had not informed him that he planned to step aside from the issue. Privately, Trump has been more direct, imploring Sessions in person to un-recuse himself so that he could maintain control of the investigat­ion.

The president also ordered the firing of Mueller, instructin­g the White House counsel, Don McGahn, to do so last June, but ultimately backing down when McGahn refused.

Even so, before Wednesday, the president had never explicitly told Sessions publicly that he should move to end the inquiry. In a telephone interview Wednesday after the president’s tweet, Trump’s lawyers, Jay Sekulow and Rudy Giuliani, insisted that the president still had not given such an order and did not intend to.

“It’s not a call to action,” Giuliani said, adding that it was a sentiment that Trump and his lawyers had previously expressed publicly and one protected by the president’s constituti­onal right to free speech.

“He doesn’t feel that he has to intervene in the process, nor is he intervenin­g,” Sekulow said.

Trump wanted the legal process to play out, his lawyers said. “He’s expressing his opinion, but he’s not talking of his special powers he has” as president, Giuliani said.

Mueller, appointed last year to oversee the government’s Russia investigat­ion, already is looking into some of the president’s previous Twitter posts and public statements to determine whether they reflect an intent and pattern of conduct meant to obstruct his inquiry. But Guiliani dismissed the obstructio­n of justice concerns, calling them a “bizarre and novel theory of obstructio­n by tweet,” adding that it was “idiotic.”

Still, it was clear the president’s tweet had set off alarm bells among his legal team, which swung into action almost immediatel­y to clarify and spin it in a more favorable light, proactivel­y calling reporters from the New York Times and other news publicatio­ns to explain.

Later, Giuliani said the fact that Trump had made the statement on Twitter, “a medium that he uses for opinions,” was proof that it should not be seen as an order. “One of the good things about using that is, he’s establishe­d a clear sort of practice now that he expresses his opinions on Twitter,” Giuliani told reporters.

But Trump often has used Twitter for policy directives designed to prompt official actions — such as when he used it last year to announce a ban of transgende­r troops from the U.S. military, or last week to announce he would impose sanctions on Turkey, which the Treasury Department announced Wednesday it had done at the president’s direction. He also has used the platform to tell members of his inner circle that they are fired, such as his former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and his former secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. And the White House has said in the past that because he is the president, Trump’s tweets are to be taken as official statements.

A Justice Department spokeswoma­n declined to comment.

Even taken at face value, the president’s suggestion would be impossible. Sessions recused himself from in early 2017 from all 2016 election-related matters, in part to avoid the kind of conflicts Trump has proposed, and thus would not be in a position to make the call on whether or when to end the Russia inquiry.

The Mueller investigat­ion has instead been overseen by the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein. It is Rosenstein who has the power to approve or deny Mueller’s requests to bring charges.

Whether the president had given his attorney general a direct order, legal experts said that urging Sessions to end the inquiry was an unpreceden­ted move, one that amounted to Trump asking Sessions to “subvert the law,” according to Matthew Axelrod, a longtime prosecutor who served in top roles in the Obama Justice Department.

“What he’s saying here is that there’s no one who ought to be able to investigat­e his actions and, if necessary, hold him accountabl­e for those actions,” Axelrod said.

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