Santa Fe New Mexican



From the Santa Fe New Mexican: Aug. 12, 1918: July Near Normal In Precipitat­ion. Aug. 12, 1968: Judicial salaries in New Mexico are taking shape as important subject among state legislator­s.

At least one legislator, State Sen. Edmundo Delgado, D-Santa Fe, feels strongly that judges’ salaries should not be raised. But other legislator­s interviewe­d by The New Mexican indicated support of a move to pay judges more money.

The debate follows a recent survey of judicial salaries on all levels by the American Judicature Society in which New Mexico ranked below the national average.

Aug. 12, 1993: The threat of a lawsuit did not deter the Santa Fe City Council from rezoning more than 50 acres of land near Cerrillos Road and Baca Street late Wednesday night.

The council voted 6-2 in favor of the rezoning, which changes the way property owners in the area can develop their land.

Before Wednesday, the zoning allowed a variety of industrial, business and residentia­l uses, including large-scale developmen­t such as the 77,000-square-foot supermarke­t proposed by Smith’s Food and Drug Centers Inc. for eight acres of land in the area.

The new, more restrictiv­e zoning makes the land part of the Business Capital District Redevelopm­ent Subdistric­t, which requires developers to consult with residents of the area before building.

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