Santa Fe New Mexican

The great American hijack

- MORGANA MORGAINE Morgana Morgaine, a Santa Fe resident, is a writer, humorist and an commentato­r on the state of almost everything.

Let’s call it what it is. Donald Trump’s bully-boy hijack of America is clearly not a result of his own smarts or visionary prowess. He is simply the Uranian Bad Boy, a puppet to much larger energies at work both cosmically and locally amid the crumbling edifices of the Western worldview.

Planetary lore tells us that Uranus is a planet, but also symbolical­ly, a slash-and-burn wielder of sudden unpredicta­ble change, wreaking havoc and upheaval with little concern for the outcomes. Sound familiar?

Trump’s function as useful idiot to greater forces gives us: immigratio­n blunders; fracking; Supreme Court listing recklessly to the far right; a G7 upset and debacle approachin­g a G6; NATO encounteri­ng a near-death experience as the bully-and-chief goes for the financial jugular; Russian President Vladimir Putin taking a charmed position over our European bedfellows, replacing even North Korea as the current Trump eye candy; and most recently, the life peerage in offer to the U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the next dark knight to join Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and other minions on the court.

The deeper question to ponder from all this is: Would significan­t change even happen in the old, complacent comfortabl­e institutio­ns without Trump’s robust careless attitude? I think not. If not for this bull-y-in-the-china-closet guy, I imagine we would not be having a close look at the dirty laundry surfacing everywhere. So, hurrah for that.

Trump is only a part. Chaos needs crazy, and we humans respond to crazy with our own level of dysfunctio­n. Using Dysfunctio­n 101 reactionar­y tactics, so-called leaders and comatose citizens continue a steady course of enabling, cajoling and pleading, accompanie­d by weak attempts at toddler-containmen­t 24/7.

“Stinkin-thinkin” keeps us stuck, believing not much can be done but march, plead, bemoan his bad boy behavior, while accepting the Capitol Hill rant assuring us that one-half of its members have no power, no vote, no imaginatio­n. How’s that working for us? Despite all this, awake Americans might ask: Is Trump an opportunit­y? Is it more about us and less about him? I say it is all about us.

Time to grow up. Own that the power is ours, not some wannabe Russian operative posing as leader of the free world. We forget that “we the people” own the story. We have allowed it to be hijacked, and we get what we allow.

Change the conversati­on. How about democracy is imperfect but salvageabl­e? How about thugs and bullies are not welcome? How about a call to reshape, retool, reassess, re-envision and reinvent all of it, for all of us? What an opportunit­y for visionarie­s, for women’s leadership, and advanced youthful brains and hearts evident in the likes of the Parkland, Fla., students.

If we get this, really get this, and take up our part of the equation, rekindle the dying art of imaginatio­n and assign Old World intellect to the recycle bin, then we will have used Trump for what he was designed for — to awaken us to the power that is ours for the retaking. Voting in November is a great start. Hats off to Uranus, too.

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