Santa Fe New Mexican

‘Ellos eran como los’ Three Sillies


Una noche después after dinner, toda la familia was sitting around la mesa in the kitchen. Canutito estaba leyendo una story about a family de tres necios. It was called “The Three Sillies” Soon they began hablando de cosas sillies que they themselves habían hecho in the past. “Tell us de algo necio that you’ve done, grama,” Canutito said.

“La cosa que yo hize era en la forma de un dream. Before I went to bed, puse un brisket a cocinar in the oven. I began to smell el olor del brisket while I was durmiendo en mi cama. In the middle de la noche, mis narices comenzaron a hacerme itch de manera que I began to scratch my nose. As I was running mis dedos up and down the bridge de mi nariz, I started dreaming que el brisket that I was baking was todo thin. I remember thinking: ‘bah, este brisket es puro hueso; it has no meat on it del todo.’ I woke up still rubbing la parte delgadita de mis narices and I started laughing como una tonta.”

“Eso fue muy silly, grama,” Canutito agreed. “Ahora it is your turn, grampo,” he said to Grampo Caralampio, who was scratching su cabeza.

“Well,” said grampo, thinking back hacia el tiempo when he had been un niño, “When I was little, mi hermano Ovaido era mucho más smartote que yo. Un día, mi Tío Gorgonio came to visit. One day he put a nickle and a dime arriba de la mesa and he told us to choose el que we wanted to have .Mi hermano Ovaido estaba feeling todo generous pero también un poco lépero and so he said: ‘I’ll let you pick primero’, and so I did. I saw que el nicle was much bigger que el daime so I grabbed the nickle first. Mi hermano Ovaido just smiled porque I had cheated myself y él no tenía la culpa.”

Now you, m’hijo,” Grama Cuca prodded, ¿Qué es something necio that you’ve done; algo that has made you feel bien silly?

“Well,” Canutito said slowly y haciendo blush un poco, “Do you remember el mes pasão when grampo was sick in bed? Él tenía un upset stomach and wanted me to bring him algo para hacer settle su stomach. He asked me to bring him ‘atole’. I couldn’t understand lo qué él estaba pidiendo. I thought he wanted ‘a toilet’ de manera que I rushed back con el potty.

“I guess que we have all done cosas necias,” grampo chuckled. “Yo no sé cuál de nosotros has done la cosa más silly.”

“OK, OK,” Grama Cuca chimed in: “I think que yo he hecho algo that was probably la cosa más necia que everything else. Let me tell you de una vez cuando I really put my foot in it: You know cómo I clean la casa del padre un día de la semana? Well, on the day que I was supposed to paint his office, the priest told me que someone had called him a que fuera a darles los Last Rites. The problem was though, que esa mañana he had left al Blessed Sacrament exposed inside la iglesia. He told me que if he wasn’t back in time, I was to repose al Santísimo for him.

No sooner had el padre left cuando I started pintando la pared. I climbed arriba de una silleta to paint the wall and I left en jarro de tinta on the floor. De repente I heard the church bell ring so hice step down y pisé con mi pata, right into the paint can. I didn’t have time to limpiar el zapato so I hobbled over to the church con un zapato sí y un zapato no ,andI reposed al Santísimo feeling como la Cinderella.

Grampo Caralampio and Canutito se rieron. “I think que you took the cake de los necios, grama!” he said, thinking about cómo era ella de silly.

 ??  ?? Larry Torres Growing up Spanglish
Larry Torres Growing up Spanglish

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