Santa Fe New Mexican

Koreans shut out of reunions use back channels

- By Hyung-Jin Kim

SEOUL, South Korea — Kim Kyung-jae will probably never be chosen in the government lottery that would allow him to reunite one last time with his relatives in North Korea. But that’s no problem, he said last week in an interview, even as a small group of the lucky South Koreans who won the lottery met with their loved ones in North Korea.

The 86-year-old Kim is one of a dwindling number of elderly South Koreans who, frustrated with North Korea’s reluctance to allow more frequent reunions and by the small chance that they’ll be selected before they die, found unofficial networks to communicat­e with their North Korean relatives. For three decades Kim has been sending his North Korean sister letters and aid.

“It’s absolutely regrettabl­e that other South Koreans don’t know about these communicat­ion channels,” Kim said, showing a bunch of letters with North Korean stamps that his sister has sent to him over the years.

During last week’s reunions, which ended Sunday and are organized by the rival government­s, hundreds of Koreans, many in their 70s or older, have been reunited for the first time since the 1950-53 Korean War. But they are just a tiny fraction of the separated families in the Koreas, where millions were split during the turmoil of the war. This is the 21st time the Koreas have had such reunions, but they don’t occur regularly because of long periods of bad feelings between the rivals, and Pyongyang’s reluctance to expose its people to the outside world.

So Kim and others turn to friends, brokers and others in China, Japan and elsewhere to try to find out whether their relatives in North Korea are still alive and to arrange exchanges of letters, photos, phone calls and sometimes face-to-face meetings with them.

Officially, both Koreas ban their citizens from contacting each other without government approval. But South Korea allows and even quietly helps finance back channel contacts among separated families on humanitari­an grounds.

According to a Seoul government tally on civilian-arranged exchanges between separated families, there have been about 11,610 cases of letter exchanges and 1,755 face-to-face encounters involving 3,416 Koreans since 1990. By comparison, before last week’s reunions, government-sponsored programs saw 19,770 people reunited in person since 2000; none was given a second chance to reunite.

Because thousands of separated family members die each year in South Korea without getting a chance to attend the on-again, off-again government­organized reunions, these informal exchanges are often the only way for some to communicat­e with their relatives in the North.

Kim, who once ran a fisheries export business in Japan, said he has friends there who print out his emails and mail them to his younger sister and other relatives in North Korea. When they get replies from North Korea, they scan and email them to Kim.

When he wants to give his relatives clothes, shoes and other items, he uses brokers in China to send them by parcel post after paying them $30 for each 44-pound box.

He said he’s helped about 30 other South Koreans correspond with their relatives in North Korea or send them aid parcels.

Kim said his mail exchanges and aid shipments run smoothly, in part because he has never criticized North Korean leadership in his letters and his sister, now in her mid-70s, used to start her letters by praising North Korea’s ruling Kim family.

His letter exchanges began in the early 1990s when he found the address of his sister, who years earlier sent him a photo of his parents and the news of their deaths via a former neighbor who’d acquired a U.S. citizenshi­p and visited the North. “After looking at the photo, I cried a lot, really a lot, because I had thought they were still alive,” he said.

In 2002 when Kim lived in Japan, his sister made a collect call to him and they had an hourlong conversati­on.

Kim now runs an organizati­on with a fellow refugee to help others connect with their long-lost kin in North Korea. The organizati­on receives a state subsidy.

His partner, Shim Goo-seob, 83, said he has arranged face-to-face reunions in China among North and South Koreans via his own network of brokers and helpers.

Shim said he was able to meet with his younger brother living in North Korea in the Chinese border town of Yanji in 1994 after a Chinese helper disguised himself as his brother’s uncle and invited him to visit. Shim said he spent three days with his brother in Yanji, and they stayed up all night talking about their lives on the first day.

Shim tried to get his younger sister to come to China for another brief family reunion, too, but she couldn’t get a Chinese visa so he had her come to a border river and watched her with binoculars in 2003. He said she shuffled from side to side to make herself stand out among the other people on the riverbank.

“My heart ached,” Shim said of seeing her.

 ??  ?? Kim Kyung-jae, 86, speaks Wednesday in front of letters sent from his North Korean sister at his office in Seoul, South Korea. Kim is one of a dwindling number of elderly South Koreans who, frustrated with North Korea’s reluctance to allow more frequent reunions and by the small chance that they’ll be selected before they die, found unofficial networks to communicat­e with their North Korean relatives.
Kim Kyung-jae, 86, speaks Wednesday in front of letters sent from his North Korean sister at his office in Seoul, South Korea. Kim is one of a dwindling number of elderly South Koreans who, frustrated with North Korea’s reluctance to allow more frequent reunions and by the small chance that they’ll be selected before they die, found unofficial networks to communicat­e with their North Korean relatives.
 ?? PHOTOS BY AHN YOUNG-JOON/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Shim Goo-seob, 83, reads a letter sent from his younger brother in North Korea on Wednesday at his office in Seoul, South Korea. Only a fraction of the elderly Koreans separated by the Korean War are able to attend reunions organized by their rival government­s. So some South Koreans turn to unofficial networks of brokers, friends and others to correspond with their loved ones in the North.
PHOTOS BY AHN YOUNG-JOON/ASSOCIATED PRESS Shim Goo-seob, 83, reads a letter sent from his younger brother in North Korea on Wednesday at his office in Seoul, South Korea. Only a fraction of the elderly Koreans separated by the Korean War are able to attend reunions organized by their rival government­s. So some South Koreans turn to unofficial networks of brokers, friends and others to correspond with their loved ones in the North.

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