Santa Fe New Mexican

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The ‘Silent Generation’ — another stereotype?


ANew York Times article about party voting by generation used the term “Silent Generation,” as between the ages of 73 and 83. First mentioned in a 1951 Time magazine article, only parts of the descriptio­n fit my experience. It occurred to me that being categorize­d into a “generation” is just another form of stereotypi­ng. If we exist only at the intersecti­on of our stereotype­s — e.g., liberal, middle class, African-American, our individual­ity entirely lost — no one can be unique.

Consider, for example, a wealthy Caucasian male boomer, faux elitist, adulterer, vindictive vulgarian, nativist, racist, misogynist, narcissist. … Wait, I think I know this guy.

Get going, Michelle Great work

Dean Owen

Santa Fe

Since winning the primary, Michelle Lujan Grisham has had plenty of time to communicat­e her vision for New Mexico, to discuss how she would revive our economy, protect our natural resources and advocate for all of our state’s peoples. Most of all, she’s had time to show that she has the skills and team to get New Mexico back on track after eight lost years under Republican Gov. Susana Martinez.

Michelle Lujan Grisham needs to get out ahead of Steve Pearce now. She needs to link him to the cruelty of President Donald Trump, immigratio­n enforcemen­t policy, to corporate money and tie him to the now fully corrupt and complicit Republican Party under Trump.

This is no time to relax. She needs to kick her campaign into high gear, and the message needs to be specific, strong and progressiv­e. Renewable energy, humane treatment of immigrant families, education, restoratio­n of social services cut by Gov. Martinez, cultural and eco-tourism, infrastruc­ture and sustainabl­e developmen­t. Michelle, it’s time to shine with a real message. Don’t be Gary King or Diane Denish. Jamie Chase

Santa Fe

Shout out to grader operator E.J. Varela of the city Public Works’ Streets and Drainage Maintenanc­e for his awesome work ethic. The rain washed out the dirt road in front of our house and we called early in the morning. E.J. was out within an hour and worked long and hard to fix it. What a guy! Beth Chirdon and Joe Simonds

Santa Fe

Steadfast and committed

In a country that worships Hollywood celebritie­s and profession­al athletes, I am the odd duck who counts writers, and particular­ly journalist­s, among my personal heroes. As a teenager, I delivered the local newspaper in my small town on Long Island. As an adult, I am a daily reader and faithful subscriber. Never has the role of a free and independen­t press seemed more vital than it does today. I am grateful for the dedication and hard work of all journalist­s and especially the staff of the Santa Fe New Mexican. May you remain steadfast and committed to the challengin­g and important vocation you have chosen and upon which the continued survival of our democracy depends.

Front-page torture Complex and painful

Patricia Veech

Santa Fe

Regarding the Santa Fe New Mexican’s front-page photo (“Riding with Pride,” Aug. 13), I was both dumbfounde­d and horror-struck. My usual loyalty and deep respect for our award-winning local paper flew out the window as I gasped in disgust at the choice of such a shocking photo to illustrate the story of a gay pride rodeo. There, in vivid color, is an animal being tortured by a person identified as Jason Brill. The creature’s eyes are rolled back into his head, and his neck is being twisted into a barely survivable torque. I am opposed to all rodeos, but that is not my point. Here, I am speaking for the animal, whose torture is vividly portrayed on the front page of our Santa Fe paper. I am revolted, and I hope that most of your readers share this revulsion. Susan Haynes

Santa Fe

I must object to Ed Forde’s letter (“A hypocritic­al removal,” Aug. 12) and its false equivalenc­e between the Spanish conquest of the Pueblos and the Pueblo Revolt. Stealing land and taking people as slaves is oppression, plain and simple. Taking your land and freedom back from the oppressors is in no way the same. Rather than accept that the Pueblo people had thrown off their rule, the Spanish redoubled their efforts to retake the area. Celebratin­g that theft without acknowledg­ing that it was inherently wrong is the hypocrisy, Mr. Forde. At last the history is being acknowledg­ed as complex and painful. That is a good thing for everyone. Randy Barron

Las Vegas, N.M.

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